owners manual Nissan 370Z
owners manual Nissan 370Z - year of production: 2009 - Nissan 370Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 370Z, year of production 2009:
Black plate (61,1)
This means the system is operational.REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PRO-. The front air bag, side air bag and
If any of the following conditions occur, the frontCEDURE GUID-C7BC35D5-D3D0-48A1-908C-5838D89C73C1curtain air bag systems and the
air bag, side air bag, curtain air bag andThe front air bags, side air bags, curtain air bagspretensioner system should be in-
pretensioner systems need servicing:and pretensioners are designed to activate on aspected by a NISSAN dealer if there
. The supplemental air bag warning light one-time-only basis. As a reminder, unless it isis any damage to the front end or
remains on approximately 7 seconds afterdamaged,thesupplementalairbagwarninglightside portion of the vehicle.
the ignition switch is pushed to the ONwill remain illuminated after inflation has oc-.If you need to dispose of the
position. curred. Repair and replacement of these sys-supplemental air bag or preten-
. The supplemental air bag warning light tems should be done only by a NISSAN dealer.sioner systems or scrap the vehicle,
flashes intermittently. When maintenance work is required on thecontact a NISSAN dealer. Correct
. The supplemental air bag warning light doesvehicle, the front air bags, side air bags, curtainsupplemental air bag and seat belt
not come on at all. air bags, pretensioners and related parts shouldpretensioner system disposal pro-
Undertheseconditions, the front air bag, side airbe pointed out to the person conducting thecedures are set forth in the appro-
bag, curtain air bag or pretensioner systems maymaintenance. The ignition switch should alwayspriate NISSAN Service Manual.
not operate properly. They must be checked andbe in the LOCK position when working underIncorrect disposal procedures could
repaired. Take your vehicle to the nearestthe hood or inside the vehicle.cause personal injury.
NISSAN dealer.
WARNING . Onceafrontairbag,sideairbag, or
If the supplemental air bag warningcurtain air bag has inflated, the air
light is on, it could mean that the frontbag module will not function again
air bag, side air bag, curtain air bagand must be replaced. Additionally,
and/or pretensioner systems will notthe activated pretensioner must
operate in an accident. To help avoidalso be replaced. The air bag mod-
injury to yourself or others, have yourule and pretensioner system should
vehicle checked by a NISSAN dealer asbe replaced by a NISSAN dealer.
soon as possible. The air bag module and preten-
sioner system cannot be repaired.
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system1-41
[ Edit: 2012/ 4/ 11Model: Z34-D ]

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year of production from: 2009

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