owners manual Tesla S
owners manual Tesla S - year of production: 2012 - Tesla S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla S, year of production 2012:
Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
Note: Model S automatically determines
Overtake Acceleration whether the turn signal indicates a move into
When following a vehicle with Traffic-Awarea passing lane based on if you are driving in a
Cruise Control operating, engaging the turnregion with right or left hand traffic. When
signal to indicate a move into the passing lanedriving in right hand traffic, only the left turn
briefly accelerates Model S towards thesignal (moving the turn signal lever down)
vehicle ahead. By engaging or momentarilyprovides acceleration. In left hand traffic, only
holding the turn signal, you can quicklythe right turn signal (moving the turn signal
accelerate up to your set speed withoutlever up) provides acceleration.
having to press the accelerator pedal. TheWarning: Overtake acceleration can
turn signal accelerates Model S only when thecancel for many unforeseen reasons in
following conditions are met: addition to those listed above. Stay alert
• Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is operatingand never depend on Overtake
and detecting a vehicle in front.Acceleration to increase your driving
• Model S is travelling below the set speed,speed.
but over 45 mph (72 km/h). Warning: Overtake Acceleration increases
• The turn signal indicates a move into theyour driving speed whenever the
passing lane. appropriate turn signal is engaged, even
• The Overtake Acceleration setting iswhen it may not be your intention to
turned ON (Controls > Settings > Driverovertake the vehicle you are following.
Assistance > Overtake Acceleration).Although Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
Overtake Acceleration is intended as an aidmaintains a safe driving distance from the
when passing a vehicle ahead of you. Whenvehicle ahead, it is the driver's
the turn signal is engaged, Traffic Awareresponsibility to drive safely and stay in
Cruise Control continues to maintain distancecontrol of the vehicle at all times.
from the vehicle ahead, but allows you toWarning: Model S uses its onboard GPS
drive slightly closer than your selected(Global Positioning System) to determine
distance. if you are currently driving in a region
Acceleration cancels when: with right hand or left hand traffic. GPS
data is not always accurate and may not
• You reach your set cruising speed.always be available. It is the driver's
• Changing lanes takes too long. responsibility to stay in control of the
• Model S gets too close to the vehiclevehicle at all times. Never depend on
ahead. Overtake Acceleration to appropriately
OR increase your driving speed. Conversely,
when using Traffic-Aware Cruise Control,
• You disengage the turn signal. never assume that using a turn signal will
To turn Overtake Acceleration on or off, touchnot increase your driving speed.
Controls > Settings > Driver Assistance >Depending on this feature can result in
Overtake Acceleration. When Overtakeserious injury or death.
Acceleration is turned off, engaging a turn
signal when Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is
active does not increase your driving speed.
Note: Overtake Acceleration occurs when you
either fully engage the turn signal, or you hold
the turn signal in the momentary position
(partially engaged). When you release or
disengage the turn signal, Model S stops
accelerating (in the same way as when you
release the accelerator pedal) and resumes
the set speed.
Driving 63
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