owners manual Tesla S
owners manual Tesla S - year of production: 2012 - Tesla S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla S, year of production 2012:
Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
in the lane of travel. There may be
situations in which Traffic-Aware Cruise
Control does not detect a vehicle, bicycle,
or pedestrian. Depending on Traffic-
Aware Cruise Control to avoid a collision
can result in serious injury or death.
Warning: Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
may react to vehicles or objects that
The instrument panel displays the Cruiseeither do not exist or are not in the lane
message above the speedometer (see of travel, causing Model S to slow down
Instrument Panel Indicator Lights on pageunnecessarily or inappropriately
62) and a tick mark at the edge of the
speedometer indicates the set speed.Warning: Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
You can now release the accelerator pedalmay misjudge the distance from a vehicle
and allow Traffic-Aware Cruise Control toahead. Always watch the road in front of
maintain your set speed. When no vehicle isyou. It is the driver's responsibility to
detected ahead, Traffic-Aware Cruise Controlmaintain a safe distance from a vehicle
maintains the set speed. If a vehicle isahead of you.
detected, Traffic-Aware Cruise ControlWarning: When you enable Traffic-Aware
maintains your chosen following distance, upCruise Control in a situation where you
to the set speed, decelerating Model S asare closely following the vehicle in front
needed. When the vehicle you are following isof you, Model S may apply the brakes to
no longer detected, Traffic Aware Cruisemaintain the selected distance.
Control accelerates back to the set speed.Warning: Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
You can accelerate at any time when drivinghas limited deceleration ability and may
at a set speed using Traffic-Aware Cruisebe unable to apply enough braking to
Control. But when you release the accelerator,avoid a collision if a vehicle in front slows
Model S returns to the set speed. suddenly, or if a vehicle enters your
When following a vehicle, Traffic-Awaredriving lane in front of you. Never depend
Cruise Control remains active at low speeds. Ifon Traffic-Aware Cruise Control to slow
Model S comes to a standstill and remainsdown the vehicle enough to prevent a
stationary for approximately three secondscollision. Always keep your eyes on the
(slightly longer when driving on highwayroad when driving and be prepared to
conditions), you will need to resume Traffic-take corrective action as needed.
Aware Cruise Control by pressing theDepending on Traffic-Aware Cruise
accelerator pedal or pulling the cruise controlControl to slow the vehicle down enough
lever toward you (see Canceling andto prevent a collision can result in serious
Resuming on page 64). A message displaysinjury or death.
on the instrument panel that you need toWarning: Driving downhill can increase
resume Traffic-Aware Cruise Control.driving speed, causing Model S to exceed
When Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is activelyyour set speed. Hills can also make it
slowing down Model S to maintain themore difficult for Model S to slow down
selected distance from the vehicle ahead,enough to maintain the chosen following
brake lights turn on to alert other road usersdistance from the vehicle ahead.
that you are slowing down. You may alsoWarning: Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
notice slight movement of the brake pedal.may occasionally brake Model S when not
Warning: Do not depend on Traffic-required based on the distance from a
Aware Cruise Control to adequately andvehicle ahead. This can be caused by
appropriately slow down Model S. Alwaysvehicles in adjacent lanes (especially on
watch the road in front of you and staycurves), or by stationary objects.
prepared to brake at all times. Traffic-
Aware Cruise Control does not eliminate
the need to apply the brakes as needed,
even at slow speeds.
Warning: Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
can not detect all objects and may not
detect a stationary vehicle or other object
Driving 61
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