owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
The essentials
Engine oil specifications
Set Service (dependent on time/distance travel-
Engine type Flexible service (LongLife)
VW 508 00 VW 504 00
Petrol engines
a) b)
VW 504 00 VW 502 00
Engines with Particulate filter (DPF) VW 507 00 VW 507 00
Use of engine oil compliant with the VW 504 00 specification instead of VW 508 00 may have a slight negative effect on the vehicle’s exhaust gas values.
If the quality of the fuel available in the country does not fulfil the EN 228 (for petrol) and EN 590 (for diesel) standards.
Only use recommended oils, otherwise you may damage the engine.
The coolant tank is located in the engine If for weather reasons further protection is
››› in Changing engine oil on page 273
compartment ››› page 270. necessary, the proportion of additive may be
increased, but only up to 60 %; otherwise an-
When the engine is cold, replace the coolant
tifreeze protection will diminish and this will
››› page 270
when the level is below .
worsen cooling.
Coolant specifications When the coolant is topped up, use a mixture
of distilled water and at least 40 % of the
The engine cooling system is supplied from
G13 or G12 plus-plus (TL-VW 774 G) additive
the factory with a specially treated mixture of
(both are purple) to obtain an optimum anti-
water and at least 40 % of the additive G13
corrosion protection ››› in Topping up cool-
(TL-VW 774 J), purple. This mixture gives the
ant on p e 275. The mixture of G13 with
necessary frost protection down to -25°C
G12 plus (TL-VW 774 F), G12 (red) or G11
(-13°F) and protects the light alloy parts of
(green-blue) engine coolants will significant-
the engine cooling system against corrosion.
ly reduce anti-corrosion protection and
It also prevents scaling and considerably rai-
should therefore be avoided ››› in Topping
ses the boiling point of the coolant.
up c lant on page 275.
To protect the cooling system, the percentage
of additive must always be at least 40 %,
››› in Topping up coolant on page 274
even in warm climates where anti-freeze pro-
Fig. 66 Engine compartment: coolant expan- tection is not required.
ion t ››› page 273
s ank cap.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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