owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
Leather upholstery* Protecting the leather upholstery IMPORTANT
Volvos leather upholstery is treated to preserve1.Apply a small amount of leather protectiveDo not use solvent that contains alcohol
its original appearance. agent to a cloth and then apply it to thewhen cleaning the glass for the driver display.
Leather upholstery is a natural product thatleather in light circular motions.
changes and acquires a beautiful patina over2.Allow to dry for about 20 minutes.Seatbelts
time. Regular cleaning and treatment areProtecting the leather upholstery makes it moreUse water and a synthetic detergent. A special
required in order that the properties and coloursresistant to the stresses from the suns UV radia-textile cleaning agent is available from Volvo
of the leather shall be preserved. Volvo offers ation. dealers. Ensure that the seatbelt is dry before
comprehensive product – Volvo Leather Care Kit/ allowing it to retract.
Wipes – for the cleaning and treatment of leatherLeather steering wheel
upholstery which, when used in accordance withLeather needs to breathe. Never cover theInlay mats and floor mat
the instructions, preserves the leathers protectiveleather steering wheel with protective plastic. WeRemove inlaid carpets for separate cleaning of
coating. recommend Volvo Leather Care Kit/Wipes forthe floor carpet and the inlaid carpets. Use a vac-
To achieve best results, Volvo recommendscleaning the leather steering wheel. First removeuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt. Each inlay
cleaning and application of the protective creamdirt, dust, etc. with a damp sponge or cloth and amat is secured with pins.
one to four times per year (or more if required).neutral soapy solution.Remove the inlay mat by taking hold of the inlay
Volvo Leather Care Kit/Wipes is available from mat at each pin and lifting the mat straight up.
Volvo dealers. IMPORTANT
Cleaning the leather upholstery Sharp objects, e.g. rings, can damage theFit the inlay mat in place by pressing it in at each
1.Apply the leather cleaner to a damp spongeleather on the steering wheel.pin.
and squeeze until a foam is created. WARNING
2.Use the sponge on the stain in a circularInterior plastic, metal and wood partsOnly use one inlaid mat at each seat, and
motion. A fibrillated fibre or microfibre cloth, lightly mois-check before setting off that the mat by the
3.Thoroughly dampen the stain using thetened with water, available from Volvo dealers, isdrivers seat is firmly affixed and secured in
sponge, allow the sponge to absorb the stainrecommended for cleaning interior parts and sur-the pins so that it does not get caught adja-
without scrubbing. faces. cent to and under the pedals.
4.Wipe the stain with a soft cloth and allow theDo not scrape or rub stains. Never use strong
leather to dry thoroughly stain removers. A special textile cleaner is recommended for
stains on the floor mat after vacuuming. Floor
mats should be cleaned with agents recom-
mended by Volvo dealers.
* Option/accessory. 571

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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