owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| to achieve a good result, or to supplement auto-5.Switch off the engine by turning the startWARNING
matic car washes with washing by hand.knob in the tunnel console clockwise. HoldAlways test the brakes after washing the car,
the knob in place at least 4 seconds.including the parking brake, to ensure that
NOTE > The car is ready for the automatic carmoisture and corrosion do not attack the
The car must only be washed by hand overwash. brake linings and reduce braking perform-
the first few months. This is because the paint ance.
is more delicate when it is new. IMPORTANT
Before washing the car, make sure thatWiper blades
• Asphalt, dust and salt residue on wiper blades, as
IMPORTANT the automatic rain sensor is deactivated,
otherwise there is the risk of it startingwell as insects, ice etc. on the windscreen, impair
Before driving the car into an automatic carand damaging the wiper arms.the service life of wiper blades.
wash, deactivate the functions for automaticMake sure that the door mirrors areWhen cleaning, set the wiper blades in service
braking when stationary and automatic park-•
retracted, any auxiliary lamps secured,position.
ing brake application. If these functions areantennas retracted or removed, otherwise
not deactivated, the brake system will jamthey risk being damaged by the auto-NOTE
when the car is stationary and the car will notmatic car wash.
be able to move. Wash the wiper blades and windscreen regu-
larly with a lukewarm soap solution or car
In car washes where the car is towed throughHigh-pressure washingshampoo. Do not use any strong solvents.
with rolling wheels, the following applies:When using high-pressure washing, use sweep-
ing movements and make sure that the nozzleExterior plastic, rubber and trim
1.Drive into the automatic car wash.does not come closer than 30 cm to the surfacecomponents
2.Deactivate the function for Automatic brak-of the car. Do not spray directly onto the locks.A special cleaning agent available from Volvo
ing when stationary using the switch in theTesting the brakes dealers is recommended for the cleaning and
tunnel console. Lightly depress the brake pedal now and thencare of coloured plastic parts, rubber and trim
3.Deactivate the function for automatic appli-when driving long distances in rain or slush. Thecomponents, e.g. glossy trim mouldings. When
cation of parking brake via the centre dis-heat from the friction causes the brake linings tousing such a cleaning agent the instructions
plays top view. warm up and dry. Do the same thing after startingmust be followed carefully.
4.Move the gear lever to position N.in very damp or cold weather.Avoid washing the car with detergent with a pH
value below 3.5 or above 11.5. This can cause
discolouration of anodised aluminium compo-

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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