owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
functioningproperly.Have the systemOperationvehicle inspected by an authorized NISSAN
checked by your authorized NISSANThemalfunction indicator lamp will come ondealer. You do not need to have your vehicle
dealer. in one of two ways: towed to the dealer.
High beam indicator light● Malfunctionindicatorlamponsteady-AnCAUTION
(Blue) emission control system malfunction hasContinued vehicle operation without
This blue light comes on when the headlightbeendetected.Checkthefuelfillercap.Ifhaving the emission control system
high beam is on and goes out when the lowthe fuel filler cap is loose or missing,checked and repaired as necessary
beam is selected. tighten or install the cap and continue tocouldleadtopoordriveability, reduced
drive the vehicle. Thelamp shouldfuel economy, and possible damage to
Thehighbeamindicatorlightalsocomesonturn off after a few driving trips. If thethe emission control system.
when the passing signal is activated.lamp does not turn off after a few
Malfunction indicator lampdriving trips, have the vehicle inspectedOverdrive off indicator light
(MIL) byanauthorizedNISSANdealer.Youdo(automatic transmission only)
not need to have your vehicle towed to
If this indicator lamp comes on steady orthe dealer.This light comes on when the overdrive
blinks while the engine is running, it may● Malfunction indicator lamp blinking - Answitch is in the OFF position.
indicate a potential emission control mal-engine misfire has been detected whichTurn signal/hazard indicator
function. may damage the emission control sys-lights
The malfunction indicator lamp may alsotem. To reduce or avoid emission control
comeonsteady if the fuel filler cap is loosesystem damage:The appropriate light flashes when the turn
or missing, or if the vehicle runs out of fuel.a) do not drive at speeds above 45 MPHsignal lever switch is activated.
Check to make sure the fuel filler cap is(72 km/h).Both lights flash when the hazard switch is
installed and closed tightly, and that theb) avoid hard acceleration or deceleration.turned on.
vehicle has at least three gallons of fuel inc) avoid steep uphill grades.
the fuel tank. d) if possible, reduce the amount of cargo
After a few driving trips, thelampbeing hauled or towed.
should turn off if no other potential emissionThe malfunction indicator lamp may stop
control system malfunction exists.blinking and come on steady. Have the
2-10 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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