owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
or Brakewarninglight● Yourbrakesystemmaynotbework-Door open warning light
This light functions for both the parkinging properly if the warning light is
brake and the foot brake systems.on. Driving could be dangerous. IfThis light comes on when any of the doors
Whentheignition key is in the ON position,you judge it to be safe, drive care-are not closed securely while the ignition
the light comes on when the parking brakefully to the nearest service stationkey is ON.
is applied, and also warns of a low brakefor repairs. Otherwise, have your ve-
fluid level. If the light comes on while thehicle towed.Engine oil pressure warning
engine is running with the parking brake not● Pressing the brake pedal with thelight
applied, stop the vehicle and perform theengine stopped and/or a low brakeThislight warnsoflowengineoilpressure.If
following: fluid level may increase your stop-the light flickers or comes on during normal
1. Checkthebrakefluidlevel.Addbrakefluidping distance and braking will re-driving, pull off the road in a safe area, stop
as necessary. See ‘‘Brake fluid’’ in thequire greater pedal effort as well asthe engine immediately and call an autho-
‘‘Maintenance and do-it-yourself’’ sectionpedal travel.rized NISSAN dealer.
of this manual. Charge warning lightThe engine oil pressure warning light is
2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have theIf the light comes on while the engine isnot designed to indicate a low oil level.
warning system checked by an autho-running, it may indicate the charging systemUse the dipstick to check the oil level.
rized NISSAN dealer. See ‘‘Engine oil’’ in the ‘‘Maintenance and
is not functioning properly. Turn the enginedo-it-yourself’’ section of this manual.
WARNING off and check the generator belt. If the belt is
● If the level is below the MINIMUM orloose, broken, or missing, or if the lightCAUTION
MIN mark on the brake fluid reser-remains on, see an authorized NISSANRunning the engine with the engine oil
voir, do not drive until the brakedealer immediately.pressure warning light on could cause
system has been checked at an au- serious damage to the engine almost
thorized NISSAN dealer. CAUTION immediately. Such damage is not cov-
Donotcontinuedrivingifthegeneratorered by warranty. Turn off the engine
belt is loose, broken or missing.as soon as it is safe to do so.
2-8 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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