owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Locking and unlocking
ThО buzzОr аill sounН tаicО anН thО Пunction аill Turning thО ignition sаitch to thО “ON” posi-ThО activation НistancО Пor thО kОвlОss Оntrв
l l
bО activatОН. tion (ОбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith thО sвstОm is approбimatОlв 4 m.
kОвlОss opОration sвstОm). IП it is not possiblО to lock or unlock thО vОhi-
Putting thО opОration moНО in ON (vОhiclОs clО bв prОssing thО sаitch at thО corrОct Нis-
ОquippОН аith thО kОвlОss opОration sвstОm).tancО or thО sОcuritв alarm sвstОm cannot bО
OpОning anв onО oП thО Нoors or thО tailgatО,sОt or cancОllОН using thО sаitch, thО battОrв
or insОrting thО kОв into thО ignition sаitchmaв nООН to bО rОplacОН.
(ОбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith thО kОв- RОplacО thО battОrв at a MITSUBISHI
lОss opОration sвstОm) аhОn thО sвstОm is inMOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point.
thО sвstОm prОparation moНО. IП thО UNLOCK sаitch on thО rОmotО con-
HolНing thО kОвlОss opОration kОв anН prОss-trol sаitch, or thО НrivОr’s or Пront passОn-
ing thО НrivОr’s or Пront passОngОr’s Нoor lock/gОr’s Нoor lock/unlock sаitch is prОssОН anН
unlock sаitch, or thО tailgatО OPEN sаitch no Нoor or thО tailgatО is opОnОН аithin 30
to unlock thО Нoors anН thО tailgatО (vОhiclОssОconНs, thО Нoors anН thО tailgatО аill auto-
ОquippОН аith thО kОвlОss opОration sвstОm).maticallв rОlock. In this casО as аОll, thО sвs-
tОm prОparation moНО аill go into ОППОct.
ThО timО bОtаООn prОssing thО UNLOCK
sаitch on thО rОmotО control sаitch, or thО
ThО Пunction аill bО activatОН again iП thО Пol-
l IП thО bonnОt is opОnОН Нuring thО sвstОm prОp-
НrivОr’s or Пront passОngОr’s Нoor lock/un-
loаing opОration is pОrПormОН.
aration moНО, thО sвstОm prОparation conНi-
lock sаitch anН automatic locking can bО aН-
• IП thО Нoors anН thО tailgatО arО unlockОН
tion is suspОnНОН.
using thО kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm or thО kОв-
ThО sвstОm rОturns to thО sвstОm prОparation
AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point.
lОss opОration Пunction.
moНО аhОn thО bonnОt is closОН.
On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith MITSUBISHI
• IП thО ignition sаitch is turnОН to thО
IП thО battОrв tОrminals arО НisconnОctОН
Multi-Communication SвstОm (MMCS),
“ON” or “ACC” position (ОбcОpt Пor vО-
аhilО thО sвstОm is in thО sвstОm prОparation
scrООn opОrations can bО usОН to makО thО aН-
hiclОs ОquippОН аith thО kОвlОss opОra-
moНО, thО mОmorв аill bО ОrasОН.
justmОnt. RОПОr to thО sОparatО oаnОr’s man-
tion sвstОm).
It is possiblО to rОgistОr up to 8 rОmotО con-
ual Пor НОtails.
• IП thО opОration moНО is put in ON or
trol sаitchОs Пor thО kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm
ACC (vОhiclОs аith thО kОвlОss opОration
anН 4 rОmotО control sаitchОs Пor thО kОвlОss
opОration sвstОm. Alarm activation
As long as thОв arО rОgistОrОН, anв oП thО rО-
WhОn thО sвstОm is in thО sвstОm armОН moНО, thО
motО control sаitchОs, othОr than thО onО
Cancelling the system
alarm аill bО activatОН as Пolloаs iП thО vОhiclО is
E00301800490 usОН to activatО thО sвstОm, can bО usОН to
unlockОН or iП anв oП thО Нoors, tailgatО or bonnОt
ThО Пolloаing mОthoНs can bО usОН to cancОl thО cancОl thО sвstОm.
is opОnОН using a mОthoН othОr than thО kОвlОss Оn-
sвstОm аhОn it is in thО sвstОm prОparation moНО IП вou аant to rОgistОr aННitional rОmotО con-
trв sвstОm or thО kОвlОss opОration Пunction.
or thО sвstОm armОН moНО. trol sаitchОs, plОasО contact a MITSUBISHI
PrОssing thО UNLOCK sаitch on thО rОmotО MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point.
control sаitch.
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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