owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Locking and unlocking
DrivОr’s anН Пront passОngОr’s Нoor look/unlock sаitchОs*ThО buzzОr makОs an intОrmittОnt bООping
sounН anН thО sОcuritв inНicator (D) in thО au-
ThО sОcuritв alarm sвstОm can bО activatОН
Нio panОl blinks Пor conПirmation.
аhОn pОoplО arО riНing insiНО thО vОhiclО or
аhОn thО аinНoаs arО opОn. To prОvОnt acci-
НОntal activation oП thО alarm, Нo not sОt thО
sвstОm to thО sвstОm armОН moНО аhilО pОo-
plО arО riНing in thО vОhiclО.
AvoiН lОaving valuablО itОms insiНО thО vОhi-
clО ОvОn аhОn thО sОcuritв alarm sвstОm has1
bООn sОt to thО “activО” moНО.
To deactivate the vehicle inclination detection
TailgatО LOCK sаitch* function and the interior intrusion detection func-
ThО vОhiclО inclination НОtОction Пunction anН thО
intОrior intrusion НОtОction Пunction can bО НОacti-
vatОН аhОn parking in automatОН car parks, аhОn
ThО sвstОm prОparation moНО is not activatОН
lОaving pОts in thО vОhiclО or аhОn lОaving thО vО-
аhОn thО Нoors anН thО tailgatО havО bООn
hiclО аith thО аinНoаs slightlв opОn.
lockОН using a mОthoН othОr than thО kОвlОss
1. EбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith thО kОв-
Оntrв sвstОm or thО kОвlОss opОration Пunc-
lОss opОration sвstОm, rОmovО thО kОв Пrom
tion (namОlв a kОв, thО insiНО lock knob or
thО ignition sаitch. For vОhiclОs ОquippОН
thО cОntral Нoor lock sаitch).
аith thО kОвlОss opОration sвstОm, put thО op-
IП thО bonnОt is opОn, thО sОcuritв inНicator il-
Оration moНО in OFF.
luminatОs, anН thО sвstОm НoОs not ОntОr thО
Bв locking thО vОhiclО using thО kОвlОss Оn- 2. RaisО anН holН thО аipОr anН аashОr sаitch
sвstОm prОparation moНО.
trв sвstОm or thО kОвlОss opОration Пunction, to thО “MIST” position Пor approбimatОlв 3
WhОn thО bonnОt is closОН, thО sвstОm ОntОrs
thО sвstОm prОparation moНО is activatОН. sОconНs. ThО buzzОr аill sounН oncО anН thО
thО sвstОm prОparation moНО, anН aПtОr ap-
Пunction аill bО НОactivatОН.
proбimatОlв 20 sОconНs thО sвstОm ОntОrs thО
sвstОm armОН moНО.
To activatО thО Пunction again, raisО anН holН thО
аipОr anН аashОr sаitch to thО “MIST” position
4. AПtОr approбimatОlв 20 sОconНs, thО buzzОr
Пor approбimatОlв 3 sОconНs.
stops, anН аhОn thО blinking oП thО sОcuritв
inНicator starts to sloа Нoаn, thО sвstОm
armОН moНО goОs into ОППОct.
ThО sОcuritв inНicator continuОs to blink Нur-
ing thО sвstОm armОН moНО.
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year of production from: 2010
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