owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Seat belt warning light and● ThesupplementalairbagwarninglightflashesCruise set switch indicator
chime intermittently. light (if so equipped)
The light and chime remind you to fasten your● The supplemental air bag warning light doesThe light comes on while the vehicle speed is
seat belts. The light illuminates whenever thenot come on at all.controlledbythecruisecontrolsystem.Ifthelight
ignitionkeyisturnedtotheONorSTARTpositionUnless checked and repaired, the supplementalblinks while the engine is running, it may indicate
andremainsilluminateduntilthedriver’sseatbeltrestraint system (air bag system) and/or the pre-thecruisecontrolsystemisnotfunctioningprop-
is fastened. At the same time, the chime soundstensioner seat belts may not function properly.erly. Have the system checked by a NISSAN
for about 7 seconds unless the driver’s seat beltForadditionaldetailssee“Supplementalrestraintdealer.
is securely fastened. system”in the “Seats, restraints and supplemen-High beam indicator light
Refer to “Seat belts”in the “Seats, restraints andtal air bag systems” section of this manual.(Blue)
supplemental air bag systems” section for pre-WARNING
cautions on seat belt usage. This blue light comes on when the headlight high
Supplemental air bag warningIf the supplemental air bag warning lightbeamsareonandgoesoutwhenthelowbeams
is on, it could mean that the supplementalare selected.
light front air bag or supplemental side air bagThe high beam indicator light also comes on
When the ignition key is in the ON or STARTsystem (if so equipped) or pre-tensionerwhenthepassing signal is activated.
position, the supplemental air bag warning lightseat belt system will not operate in an
illuminates for about 7 seconds and then turnsaccident.Malfunction indicator lamp
off. This means the system is operational.INDICATORLIGHTS(MIL)
Ifany of the following conditions occur, theCruise main switch indicatorIf this indicator lamp comes on steady or blinks
supplemental front air bag, supplemental side airwhile the engine is running, it may indicate a
bagorpre-tensionerseatbeltsystemsneedser-light (if so equipped)potential emission control malfunction.
vicing and your vehicle must be taken to aThelight comes on when the cruise control mainThemalfunctionindicatorlampmayalsocomeon
NISSANdealer: switch is pushed. The light goes out when thesteadyifthefuelfiller cap is loose or missing, or if
main switch is pushed again. When the cruisethe vehicle runs out of fuel. Check to make sure
● The supplemental air bag warning light re-main switch indicator light comes on, the cruisethe fuel filler cap is installed and closed tightly,
mains on after approximately 7 seconds.control system is operational.and that the vehicle has at least 3 gallons of fuel
in the fuel tank.
Instruments and controls 2-9
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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