owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Whenthe ignition key is in the ON position, the● If the brake fluid level is below theTheengineoilpressurewarninglightisnot
light comesonwhentheparkingbrakeisapplied,MINIMUM or MIN mark on the brakedesignedtoindicatealowoillevel.Usethe
and also warns of a low brake fluid level. If thefluid reservoir, do not drive until thedipstick to check the oil level. See “Engine
light comes on while the engine is running withbrake system has been checked at aoil” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself” sec-
the parking brake not applied, stop the vehicleNISSANdealer.tion of this manual.
and perform the following:
1. Check the brake fluid level. Add brake fluidCharge warning lightCAUTION
asnecessary.See“Brakefluid”inthe“Main-If this light comes on while the engine is running,Running the engine with the engine oil
tenance and do-it-yourself” section of thisit may indicate the charging system is not func-pressurewarninglightoncouldcausese-
manual. tioning properly. Turn the engine off and checkrious damagetotheenginealmostimme-
the generator belt. If the belt is loose, broken,diately. Such damage is not covered by
2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have themissing, or if the light remains on, see a NISSANwarranty. Turn off the engine as soon as it
brake system checked by a NISSAN dealer.dealer immediately.is safe to do so.
WARNING CAUTION Lowfuel warning light
● Your vehicle is equipped with an auto-Do not continue driving if the generatorThis light comes on when the fuel level in the fuel
matic engine cooling fan. It may comebelt is loose, broken or missing.tank is getting low. Refuel as soon as it is conve-
onatanytimewithout warning, even if nient, preferably before the fuel gauge reaches E
the ignition key is in the OFF positionDoor open warning light(Empty).Therewillbeasmallreserveoffuel
and the engine is not running. To avoidThislightcomesonwhenanyofthedoorsarenotin the tank when the fuel gauge needle
injury, always disconnect the negativeclosedsecurelywhiletheignitionkeyisintheONreaches E (Empty).
battery cable before working near theposition.
fan. Lowwasherfluid warning light
● Pressing the brake pedal with the en-Engine oil pressure warning(if so equipped)
gine stopped and/or a low brake fluidlight This light comes on when the washer fluid is at a
level may increase your stopping dis-This light warns of low engine oil pressure. If thelowlevel.Addwasherfluidasnecessary.Seethe
tance and braking will require greaterlight flickers or comes on during normal driving,“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
pedal effort as well as pedal travel.pull off the road in a safe area, stop the enginemanual.
immediately and call a NISSAN dealer.
2-8 Instruments and controls
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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