owners manual Mercedes W140
owners manual Mercedes W140 - year of production: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Mercedes Benz S W140 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes W140, year of production 1991 - 1998:
Infants and Child RestraintWarning! Children too big for child restraint
Systems systems should use regular seat belts.
According to accident statistics,Position the shoulder belt across the
Werecommendthatallinfants andchildren are safer when properlychest and shoulder, not the face or
children be restrained at all times whilerestrained in the rear seatingneck. A booster seat may be
the vehicle is in motion.positions than in the front seatingnecessary to achieve proper belt
positions. positioning.
Rear-facing child restraints must notWhenthechildrestraintisnotin
The use of infant or child restraints isbe used in a front seat with ause, remove it from the car or
required by law in all 50 states and allpassenger side airbag. They could besecure it with the seat belt to
Canadian provinces.struck by the airbag when if inflatesprevent the child restraint from
in a crash. If this happens, a child inbecoming a projectile in the event of
Infants and small children should bethe restraint could be seriouslyanaccident.
seated in an infant or child restraintinjured.
system, which is properly secured by U.S.A. Modelsonly
the lap belt portion of the lap-shoulderInfants and small children shouldSince 1986 all U.S. child restraints
belt, and that complies with U.S.never be held on the lap while thecomply with U.S. regulations without
Federal Motor Safety Standard 213 andvehicle is in motion. During anthe use of a tether strap.
Canadian Motor Vehicle Safetyaccident they would be almost impos-
Standard 213.1. sible to hold, and could be crushedCanada Models only
Astatement by the child restraintbetweentheadultandthedashboard.
manufacturer of compliance with this This vehicle can be equipped with
standard can be found on theInfants and small children shouldtether anchorages for a top tether strap.
instruction label on the restraint and innever share a seat belt with anotherConsult your authorized Mercedes-
the instruction manual provided withoccupant. During an accident, theyBenzdealer for installation of these
the restraint. could be crushed between theanchorages.
occupantandseat belt.
Whenusinganyinfantor child In compliance with Canadian Motor
restraint system, be sure to carefullyVehicle Safety Standard 210.1, child
read and follow all manufacturer's restraint tether anchorage hardware
instructions for installation and use.is attached to the tool kit located in
the trunk.
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year of production from: 1991
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