owners manual Mercedes W140
owners manual Mercedes W140 - year of production: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Mercedes Benz S W140 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes W140, year of production 1991 - 1998:
Important! Warning! •Donotleanwithyourhead
The"SRS"isdesignedtoreducetheIt is very important for your safetywheelordashboard.
potential of injury in certain frontalto always be in a properly seated
andfront-angled impacts which mayposition.•Adjust the passenger seat
cause injuries; however, no system asfaraspossiblerearward
available today can totally eliminateFor maximumprotectioninthefromthedashboard,
injuries and fatalities.event of a collision always be inespecially when a child
normal seated position with yourrestraint is installed.
Theactivation of the "SRS"backagainst the seat back. Fasten
temporarily releases a small amountyour seat belt and ensure that it is•Infants and small children
of dust from the air-bags. This dust,properly positioned on the body.shouldonlybeseatedinan
however, is neither injurious to your infant or child restraint
health, nor does it indicate a fire inSince the airbag inflates withwhichis properly secured
the vehicle. considerable speedandforce,abytheseatbelt.
properseating position will keep
Theservice life of the airbagsyouinasafedistancefromthe•Rear-facing child restraints
extends to the date indicated on theairbag:mustnotbeusedinafront
label located on the driver-side door seat.
latch post To provide continued•Sit properly belted in an
reliability after that date, they shouldupright position with yourFailure to follow these instructions
be inspected by an authorizedbackagainsttheseatback.canresult in severe injuries to you or
MERCEDES-BENZdealeratthat other occupants.
time and replaced when necessary.
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year of production from: 1991
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