owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Driving instructions
Warning! G Coolant temperature Warning! G
During severe operating conditions,
Inhalation of exhaust gas is hazardous to e.g. stop-and-go traffic, the coolant tem- Driving when your engine is badly over-
your health. All exhaust gas contains carbon perature may rise close to approximately heated can cause some fluids, which
monoxide (CO), and inhaling it can cause un-248°F (120°C). may have leaked into the engine com-
consciousness and possible death. partment, to catch fire. You could be se-
The engine should not be operated with riously burned.
Do not run the engine in confined areas the coolant temperature over 248°F Steam from an overheated engine can
(such as a garage) which are not properly (120°C). Doing so may cause serious en-cause serious burns and can occur just
ventilated. If you think that exhaust gas gine damage which is not covered by the by opening the hood. Stay away from
fumes are entering the vehicle while driving, Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.the engine if you see or hear steam com-
have the cause determined and corrected ing from it.
immediately. If you must drive under these Stop the vehicle in a safe location away from
conditions, drive only with at least one win- other traffic. Turn off the engine, get out of
dow fully open at all times. the vehicle and do not stand near the vehicle
until the engine has cooled down.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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