owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Driving instructions
Road salts and chemicals can adversely af-Warning!G Standing water
fect braking efficiency. Increased pedal
force may become necessary to produce !Do not drive through flooded areas or water
the normal braking effect.If the vehicle becomes stuck in snow, make of unknown depth. Before driving through water,
Depressing the brake pedal periodically sure that snow is kept clear of the exhaust determine its depth. Never accelerate before
pipe and from around the vehicle with the driving into water. The bow wave could force wa-
when traveling at length on salt-strewn engine running. Otherwise, deadly carbon ter into the engine and auxiliary equipment, thus
roads can bring road-salt impaired braking monoxide (CO) gases may enter vehicle in-damaging them.
efficiency back to normal. terior resulting in unconsciousness and If you must drive through standing water, drive
If the vehicle is parked after being driven death.slowly to prevent water from entering the pas-
on salt-treated roads, the braking efficien- senger compartment or the engine compart-
To assure sufficient fresh air ventilation, ment. Water in these areas could cause damage
cy should be tested as soon as possible af-open a window slightly on the side of the ve-to electrical components or wiring of the engine
ter driving is resumed. hicle not facing the wind.or transmission, or could result in water being in-
gested by the engine through the air intake caus-
Warning! G ing severe internal engine damage. Any such
Warning! G damage is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz
Limited Warranty.
Make sure not to endanger any other road
users when carrying out these braking The outside temperature indicator is not de-
maneuvers. signed to serve as an ice-warning device and
is therefore unsuitable for that purpose. In-
dicated temperatures just above the freez-
ing point do not guarantee that the road
surface is free of ice.
For more information on winter driving, see
“Winter driving” ( page 549).

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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