owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Occupantsafety 47
Important safety notes Before starting the journey, make sure that
is required by law in: between the front seat and door.
Rall 50 states GWARNING
RtheU.S.territories Persons under 5 ft (1.50 m) in height cannoty
RtheDistrict of Columbia fastentheseatbeltcorrectlywithoutanaddi-
Rall Canadian provinces tional suitable restraint system. If the seatSafet
Evenwherethisisnotrequiredbylaw,allvehiclebelt is incorrectly fastened, it cannot protect
occupants should correctly fasten their seatas intended. Furthermore, an incorrectly fas-
belts before starting the journey.
GWARNING tenedseatbeltcancauseadditionalinjury,for
If the seat belt is incorrectly fastened, it can-example, in an accident, during braking or an
not protect as intended. Furthermore, anabrupt change of direction. This poses an
incorrectly fastened seat belt can cause addi-increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.
tional injury, for example, in an accident, dur-Forthis reason, always secure persons under
ing braking or when abruptly changing direc-5ft (1.50 m) in height in suitable restraint
tion. This poses an increased risk of injury orsystems.
even fatal injury. If a child younger than twelve years old and
Makesurethatall vehicle occupants areunder 5 ft (1.50 m) in height is traveling in the
belt. Ralwayssecurethechild in a child restraint
system suitable for this Mercedes-Benz vehi-
GWARNING cle. Thechildrestraintsystemmustbeappro-
Theseatbeltdoesnotoffertheintendedlevelpriate to the age, weight and size of the child
of protection if you have not moved the back-Ralwaysobservetheinstructions and safety
ing or in the event of an accident, you couldin the rear (Y page 48)
slide underneath the seat belt and sustainRalwaysobservetheinstructions and safety
notes on "Children in the vehicle"
abdomenorneckinjuries, for example. This(Y page 61) in addition to the child restraint
posesanincreasedriskofinjuryorevenfatalsystem manufacturer's installation and oper-
injury. ating instructions
Adjust the seat properly before beginningRbesuretoobservetheinstructionsandsafety
is in an almost vertical position and that the(OCS)" (Y page 53)
shoulder section of your seat belt is routedGWARNING
across the center of your shoulder.Theseatbeltsmaynotperformtheirintended
protective function if:
GWARNING Rtheyaredamaged,modified, extremely
Objects next to the front seat that block thedirty, bleach or dyed
belt buckle or the moving belt anchorage onRtheseatbelt buckle is damaged or
thefrontseatimpairthefunctionoftheEmer-extremely dirty
gency Tensioning Devices. The EmergencyRtheEmergencyTensioningDevices, belt
the intended protection. This poses an
increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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