owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
44 Occupantsafety
XRemovetheStart/Stopbuttonfromtheigni-X Toactivate: press !button:forat
tion lock ( least one second.
or Avisual and audible alarm is triggered if the
XIftheSmartKeyisinsertedintheignitionlock:alarm system is armed.
removetheSmartKeyfromtheignition lock.XTodeactivate:press!button:again.
tric shock (Y page 42). XPresstheStart/Stop button.
XObservethewarningnotices about the hoodThe SmartKey must be in the vehicle.
Safety(Y page 352).
tive Brake System) Introduction to the restraint system
The Recuperative Brake System supports youTherestraintsystemcanreducetheriskofvehi-
whenbraking with an electronically-controlledcle occupantscomingintocontactwithpartsof
brake boost mode and enables the recovery ofthevehicle'sinteriorintheeventofanaccident.
kinetic energy (recuperation). Therestraint systemcanalsoreducetheforces
GWARNING towhichvehicleoccupantsaresubjectedduring
an accident.
If the Recuperative Braking System malfunc-The restraint system comprises:
tions, braking resistance maybereducedandRseatbelt system
brakepedaltravelmaybelongerthanusual.IfRair bags
yousubsequentlydepressthebrakepedalasRchild restraint system
usual,thebrakingeffectmaynotbesufficient.Rchild seat securing systems
There is a risk of an accident.Thecomponentsoftherestraintsystemworkin
In the event of this malfunction, continue toconjunction with each other. They can only
depress the brake pedal. Stop the vehicle indeploytheirprotectivefunctionif,atalltimes,all
accordancewiththetrafficconditions.Ifnec-vehicle occupants:
essary, contact a qualified specialist work-Rhavefastenedtheir seat belts correctly
shop. (Y page 48)
Further information about the RecuperativeRhaveadjustedtheir seat and head restraint
Brake System (Y page 240). properly (Y page 105).
Asthedriver, you also have to make sure that
the steering wheel is adjusted correctly.
Observe the information relating to the correct
Panic alarm driver's seat position (Y page 104).
Youalso have to make sure that an air bag can
inflate properly if deployed (Y page 50).
Anair bag supplements a correctly worn seat
belt. As an additional safety device, the air bag
increases the level of protection for vehicle
ple,if, in the eventofanaccident,theprotection
ticular accident situation are deployed. How-
ever, seat belts and air bags generally do not
protect against objects penetrating the vehicle
from the outside.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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