owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Useful features
All information relevant to the emergency, The Tele Aid system is available ifThe message:
such as the location of the vehicle (deter- it has been activated and is operation-
mined by the GPS satellite location sys-al. Activation requires a subscription “Call failed” appears in the multifunction
tem), vehicle model, identification number display for approximately 10 seconds
and color are generated. for monitoring services, connection, A pop-up window with the message:
and cellular air time “Call could not be connected! Please dial
iDuring the emergency call message “Emer- the relevant monitoring service and 911 directly using the mobile telephone
gency Call Activated” is displayed, operation GPS coverage are available and pass keypad.” appears in the COMAND dis-
from COMAND is not possible. The automatic cli-the information on to the Response play. Confirm the message pressing n
mate control can be still adjusted using the Center ( page 84).
switches on the climate control panel.
there is sufficient voltage in the vehicle Should this occur, assistance must be sum-
A voice connection between the Response moned by other means.
Center and the occupants of the vehicle batteries
will be established automatically soon af-iLocation of the vehicle on a map is only pos-iDuring the emergency call the mobile phone
ter the emergency call has been initiated. sible if the vehicle is able to receive signals from is switched off automatically and must be
The Response Center will attempt to deter-the GPS satellite network and pass the informa-switched back on to make a call.
mine more precisely the nature of the acci-tion on to the Response Center.
dent provided they can speak to an iThe “911” emergency call system is a public
occupant of the vehicle. Warning! G service. Using it without due cause is a criminal
iIf no vehicle occupant responds, an ambu-
lance will be sent to the vehicle immediately.If the indicator lamp in the SOS button is
flashing continuously and there was no
voice connection to the Response Center
established, then the Tele Aid system could
not initiate an emergency call (e.g. the rele-
vant mobile phone network is not available).

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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