owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2012:
466 Audio
COMANDcontrollerandpressWto X
Switch on Bluetooth audio mode
confirm. (Y page 468).
XSelectAutAuthorhorizeize and press W to confirm.XSelectBTBT AudAudioio by sliding VÆ and turning
DependingontheBluetooth audiodevice cVdtheCOMANDcontrollerandpress
used, you now have two options for Wtoconfirm.
continuing with authorization.
XConfirmBluBluetoetoothoth AudAudioio DevDeviceice LisListt
by pressing W the COMAND controller.
After successful authorization, the
XTosearch:confirmConConnecnectt viavia BTBT
Bluetooth audio device is connected and
AudAudioio DevDeviceice by pressing the COMAND
starts playing.
controller W.
Theduration of the search depends on the
digit codes displayed in COMAND and on ®
numberofBluetooth audiodeviceswithin
the Bluetooth audio device are the same,
range and their characteristics.
confirm YesYes by pressing W.
XToauthorize:start the authorization on
If you select YesYes, authorization continues ®
D the Bluetooth audio device, see the
and the Bluetooth audio device is ®
operating instructions of the Bluetooth
connected. Playback starts.
audio device.
If you select NoNo, authorization will be
After successful authorization, the
COMANcanceled. ®
Bluetooth audio device is connected and
iTheBluetooth audiodevicemust starts playing.
support Bluetooth version 2.1 for
iWithsomeBluetooth audiodevices,
connection via Secure Simple Pairing.
itself, so that COMAND can play the audio
displayed on both devices that are to be
Reconnecting a Bluetooth audio device
External authorization
The Bluetooth audio profiles are connected
automatically under the following
one of the last two mobile phones to have
beenconnected has also been used as a
Bluetooth audio player (if this function is
supported by the mobile phone).
connection itself.
ABluetooth audio player without telephone
functions is not automatically reconnected,
If COMANDdoesnotfindyourBluetooth
even if it was the last device connected.
audio device, this may be due to particular
If the NoNo BluBluetoetoothoth AudAudioio DevDeviceice
security settings on your Bluetooth audio
ConConnecnectedted message appears, you have two
device. In this case, check whether your
options to connect a Bluetooth audio
Bluetooth audio device can locate
COMAND.TheBluetooth devicenameof
COMANDisMBMB BluBluetoetoothoth.

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year of production from: 2012

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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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