owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2012:
464 Audio
The tracks are played in the normal orderThe Bluetooth audio device must support
(e.g. track 1, 2, 3, etc.).
the A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth audio
R profiles.
RandomRandom MediumMedium
All the tracks on the medium are played inBluetooth visibility
randomorder. ®
Certain Bluetooth audio devices do not
R ®
RandomRandom TrackTrack ListList (MP3 mode only)
just require activation of the Bluetooth
The tracks in the currently active folder orfunction. In addition, your device must be
thecurrenttracklistareplayedinarandommade"visible" to other devices.
order. ®
Bluetooth device name
XToselectoptions:switch to the MUSIC
usually be changed. To make a clear
XSelectMusicMusic RegisterRegister by sliding VÆ andselection of the Bluetoothdevice
turning cVd the COMAND controller andpossible, Mercedes-Benz recommends
that you customize the device name.
press W to confirm.
The options list appears. The # dot
indicates the option selected. ®
Profile): Bluetoothaudio profile for audio
XSelect an option and press W to confirm.
data transmission
The option is switched on. For all options
except NormalNormal TrackTrack SequenceSequence, you will®
Profile): Bluetoothaudio profile for audio
data playback
selection window.
iNotallBluetooth audiodevicesavailable
iTheNormalNormal TrackTrack SequenceSequence option is
onthemarketareequally suitable. To
automatically selected when you change
obtain more information about suitable
the disc you are currently listening to or ®
Bluetooth audio devices and about
whenyouselectadifferent medium. If an ®
connecting Bluetooth audio devices to
Or call the Mercedes-Benz Customer
Assistance center at
Bluetooth audio mode
(USA) or Customer Relations at
Preconditions for the Bluetooth audio
1-800-387-0100 (Canada).
® ®
Activate Bluetooth and Bluetooth
Bluetooth audio mode requires a
visibility on the Bluetoothaudio device.
Bluetooth -capable audio device. Observe
the information in the Bluetoothaudio
Preconditions in COMAND
device's operating instructions.
® ®
Before using Bluetooth audio mode, youActivate the Bluetooth function in
should check your Bluetooth audio device
for the following:
Bluetooth audio profile

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year of production from: 2012

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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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