owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 5.QXP 9/30/2015 5:28 PM Page 92
Driving your vehicle
Safety chains Trailer brakes Driving with a trailer
Towing a trailer requires a certain amount
You should alwIf yays attach chainsour trailer is equipped with a braking
system, make sure it conforms to yof experourience. Before setting out for the
between your vehicle and your trailer.
Cross the safety chains under the tonguecountry’s regulations and that it is prop-open road, you must get to know your
of the trailer so that the tongue will noterly installed and operating correctly.trailer. Acquaint yourself with the feel of
drop to the road if it becomes separated handling and braking with the added
If your trailer weight exceeds the maxi-
from the hitch. weight of the trailer. And always keep in
mum allowed weight without trailer
brakes, then the trailer will also require itsmind that the vehicle you are driving is
Instructions about safety chains may be
now a good deal longer and not nearly so
provided by the hitch manufacturer or by own brakes as well. Be sure to read and
responsive as your vehicle is by itself.
the trailer manufacturer. Follow the man- follow the instructions for the trailer
Before you start, check the trailer hitch
ufacturer’s recommendation for attachingbrakes so you’ll be able to install, adjust
and maintain them properly. and platform, safety chains, electrical
safety chains. Always leave just enough
slack so you can turn with your trailer. connector(s), lights, tires and mirror
Do not tap into or modify your vehicle's
And, never allow safety chains to drag onbrake system. adjustment. If the trailer has electric
the ground. brakes, start your vehicle and trailer mov-
ing and then apply the trailer brake con-
WARNING - Trailer brakes troller by hand to be sure the brakes are
working.This lets you check your electri-
Do not use a trailer with its own
cal connection at the same time.
brakes unless you are absolutely
During your trip, check occasionally to be
certain that you have properly set
sure that the load is secure, and that the
up the brake system.This is not a
lights and any trailer brakes are still work-
task for amateurs. Use an experi-
enced, competent trailer shop for
this work.
5 92
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