owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 5.QXP 9/30/2015 5:27 PM Page 89
Driving your vehicle
To keep locks from freezing Don't let your parking brakeCarry emergency equipment
To keep the locks from freezing, squirt anfreeze Depending on the severity of the weath-
approved de-icer fluid or glycerine into er, you should carry appropriate emer-
Under some conditions your parking
the key opening. If a lock is covered with brake can freeze in the engaged position.gency equipment.Some of the items you
ice, squirt it with an approved de-icing may want to carry include tire chains, tow
This is most likely to happen when there
fluid to remove the ice. If the lock is straps or chains, flashlight, emergency
is an accumulation of snow or ice around
frozen internally, you may be able to thaw flares, sand, shovel, jumper cables, win-
or near the rear brakes or if the brakes
it out by using a heated key. Handle the dow scraper, gloves, ground cloth, cover-
are wet. If there is a risk the parking
heated key with care to avoid injury.brake may freeze, apply it only temporar-alls, blanket, etc.
ily while you put the shift lever in P (auto-
Use approved window washer matic transaxle) or in first or reverse gear
anti-freeze in system (manual transaxle) and block the rear
wheels so the vehicle cannot roll. Then
To keep the water in the window washer
release the parking brake.
system from freezing, add an approved
window washer anti-freeze solution in
accordance with instructions on the con-Don't let ice and snow accumu-
late underneath
tainer. Window washer anti-freeze is
available from an authorized Kia dealer
Under some conditions, snow and ice
and most auto parts outlets. Do not use
can build up under the fenders and inter-
engine coolant or other types of anti-
fere with the steering. When driving in
freeze as these may damage the paint
severe winter conditions where this may
finish. happen, you should periodically check
underneath the vehicle to be sure the
movement of the front wheels and the
steering components is not obstructed.
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year of production from: 2012
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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