owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
8-14 Drivingtips/Loading your vehicle
side door pillar. It includes the total weightload. Therefore, the GVW changes de-&Roofrails with integrated
of the driver and all passengers and theirpending on the situation.crossbars (Outback)
belongings, any optional equipment suchIn addition, the total weight applied to
as a trailer hitch, roof rack or bike carrier,each axle (GAW) must never exceed the
etc., and the tongue load of a trailer.GAWR. The front and rear GAWs can be
&GVWRandGAWR(Gross adjusted by relocating luggage inside the
Vehicle Weight Rating and vehicle.
Gross Axle Weight Rating) Even if the total weight of your luggage is
lower than the vehicle capacity weight,
either front or rear GAW may exceed the
GAWR, depending on the distribution of
the luggage.
Whenpossible, the load should be evenly
distributed throughout the vehicle.
If you carry heavy loads in the vehicle, you1)Integrated crossbars
should confirm that GVW and front and
rear GAWs are within the GVWR and
GAWR by putting your vehicle on a CAUTION
vehicle scale, found at a commercial
weighing station. . For cargo carrying purposes, the
bars must be used as crossbars
Donot use replacement tires with a lowerand be used together with the
Certification label loadrangethantheoriginalsbecausetheygenuine SUBARU carrying at-
The certification label attached to themay lower the GVWR and GAWR limita-tachment. The bars must never
driver’s side door shows GVWR (Grosstions. Replacement tires with a higher loadbe used alone to carry cargo.
Vehicle Weight Rating) and GAWR (Grossrange than the originals do not increaseOtherwise, damage to the roof or
Axle Weight Rating). the GVWR and GAWR limitations. paint or a dangerous road hazard
The GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) must due to loss of cargo could result.
never exceed the GVWR. GVW is the . When using the bars as cross-
combined total of weight of the vehicle, bars, make sure that the total
fuel, driver, all passengers, luggage, any weight of the carrying attach-
optional equipment and trailer tongue ment and cargo does not exceed
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year of production from: 2014
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Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual
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