owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Replacing wheels and tires● If the wheels are changed for any rea-● TheTPMSsensormaybedamagedifit
When replacing a tire, use the same size, treadson, always replace with wheels whichis not handled correctly. Be careful
design, speed rating and load carrying capacityhave the same off-set dimension.whenhandlingtheTPMSsensor.
asoriginally equipped.Foradditionalinformation,Wheels of a different off-set could● When replacing the TPMS sensor, the
refer to “Wheels and tires” in the “Technical andcause premature tire wear, degrade ve-ID registration may be required. It is
consumer information”section of this manual.hiclehandlingcharacteristics,affecttherecommended you visit a NISSAN
VDC system and/or interference withdealer for ID registration.
WARNING the brake discs. Such interference can
lead to decreased braking efficiency● Donotuseavalvestemcapthatisnot
● Theuseoftiresotherthanthoserecom-and/or early brake pad wear. For addi-specified by NISSAN. The valve stem
mended or the mixed use of tires oftional information on wheel off-set di-cap may become stuck.
different brands, construction (bias,mensions,referto“Wheelsandtires”in● Be sure that the valve stem caps are
bias-belted or radial), or tread patternsthe “Technical and consumer informa-correctlyfitted.Otherwisethevalvemay
can adversely affect the ride, braking,tion”section of this manual.be clogged up with dirt and cause a
handling,VehicleDynamic Control● Sincethesparetireisnotequippedwithmalfunction or loss of pressure.
(VDC) system, ground clearance, body-theTPMS,whenasparetireismounted● Do not install a damaged or deformed
to-tire clearance, tire chain clearance,orawheelisreplaced,tirepressurewillwheel or tire even if it has been re-
speedometercalibration, headlight aimnot be indicated, the TPMS will notpaired. Such wheels or tires could have
and bumper height. Some of these ef-functionandthelowtirepressurewarn-structural damage and could fail with-
fects may lead to accidents and coulding light will flash for approximatelyout warning.
result in serious personal injury.1 minute. The light will remain on after
● If your vehicle was originally equipped1 minute. Have your tires replaced● The use of retread tires is not
with4tiresthatwerethesamesizeandand/or TPMS system reset as soon asrecommended.
you are only replacing 2 of the 4 tires,possible. It is recommended you visit a● For additional information regarding
install the new tires on the rear axle.NISSANdealerforthis service.tires, refer to “Important Tire Safety In-
Placing new tires on the front axle may● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginallyformation”(US)or“TireSafetyInforma-
cause loss of vehicle control in somespecified by NISSAN could affect thetion”(Canada)intheWarrantyInforma-
driving conditions and cause an acci-proper operation of the TPMS.tion Booklet.
dent and personal injury.
8-44 Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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