owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
TIRE CHAINS or underbody. If possible, avoid fully loading your
vehicle when using tire chains. In addition, drive
CAUTION at a reduced speed. Otherwise, your vehicle may
Tire chains/cables shouldnotbeinstalledbedamagedand/orvehiclehandling and perfor-
tire chains/cableson205/50R17sizetiresTire chains must be installed only on the
will cause damage to the vehicle. If youfront wheels and not on the rear wheels.
plan to use tire chains/cables, you shouldNever install tire chains on a TEMPORARY USE
install205/55R16 size tires on yourONLYsparetire.
Donotusetire chains on dry roads. Driving with
Useoftirechainsmaybeprohibitedaccordingtochains in such conditions can cause damage to
location. Check the local laws before installingthe various mechanisms of the vehicle due to
tire chains. Wheninstallingtirechains,makesuresomeoverstress.
they are the proper size for the tires on your WDI0258
vehicle and are installed according to the chain CHANGINGWHEELSANDTIRES
manufacturer’s suggestions. Use only SAE
class “S”chains. Class “S”chains are used on Tire rotation
vehicles with restricted tire to vehicle clearance. NISSAN recommends rotating the tires
Vehicles that can use Class “S” chains are de-
signedtomeettheminimumclearancesbetween every 5,000 miles (8,000 km).
the tire and the closest vehicle suspension or For additional information on tire replac-
body component required to accommodate the
use of a winter traction device (tire chains or ingprocedures,referto“Flattire”inthe“In
cables).Theminimumclearancesaredetermined case of emergency” section of this
usingthefactoryequippedtires.Othertypesmay manual.
recommended by the tire chain manufacturer to As soon as possible, tighten the
ensureatightfit. Loose end links of the tire chain wheel nuts to the specified torque
mustbesecuredorremovedtopreventthepos- with a torque wrench.
sibility of whipping action damage to the fenders
8-42 Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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