owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Service products and filling capacities413
freeze.Makesurethatantifreezeisnotspilledtion in the engine cooling system should:
next to the filler neck. Thoroughly clean theRbeatleast50%.Thiswillprotecttheengine
antifreeze from components before startingcooling system against freezing down to
the engine. approximately -35 ‡ (-37 †).
!OnlyaddcoolantthathasbeenpremixedRnotexceed55%(antifreeze protection
with the desired antifreeze protection. Youdownto-49‡[-45†]).Otherwise,heat
could otherwise damage the engine.will not be dissipated as effectively.
Further information on coolants can beMercedes-Benz recommends an antifreeze/
foundintheMercedes-BenzSpecificationscorrosion inhibitor concentrate in accord-
for Service Products, MB BeVo 310.1, e.g.ancewithMBSpecificationsforServiceProd-
ontheInternet at ucts 310.1.
http://bevo.mercedes-benz.com. Or con-iWhenthevehicleisfirstdelivered,itisfil-
tact a qualified specialist workshop.led with a coolant mixture that ensures
!Alwaysuseasuitablecoolantmixture,adequate antifreeze and corrosion protec-
prevail. iThecoolantischeckedwitheverymain-
Otherwise,theenginecoolingsystemisnottenance interval at a qualified specialist
sufficiently protected from corrosion andworkshop.
overheating. Filling capacities
iHavethecoolantregularly replaced at a
qualified specialist workshop and theModel Capacity
replacementconfirmedintheMaintenanceAll models data
Booklet. 9.5 US qt (9.0 l)ical
for service products when handling coolantWindshield washer systemhn
(Y page 409). c
The coolant is a mixture of water and anti-Important safety notesTe
freeze/corrosion inhibitor. It performs theGWARNING
following tasks:
Rcorrosion protection Windshieldwasherconcentratecouldigniteif
it comes into contact with hot engine compo-
Rantifreeze protection nentsortheexhaustsystem.Thereisariskof
Rraising the boiling point fire and injury.
If the coolant has antifreeze protection downMakesurethatnowindshield washer con-
to-35‡(-37†),theboilingpointofthecool-centrate is spilled next to the filler neck.
ant during operation is approximately 266 ‡
(130 †). !Onlyusewasherfluidthatissuitable for
plastic lamp lenses, e.g. MB SummerFit or
MBWinterFit. Unsuitable washer fluid
could damage the plastic lenses of the
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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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