owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
412 Service products and filling capacities
ter. Or visit the website ofaging,sootandfueldeposits.Itistherefore
Thetableshowswhichengineoilshavebeenular oil changes using an approved engine oil
approved for your vehicle.with the appropriate SAE classification.
Model MB-Freigabe or
MB-Approval Brakefluid
All models 229.5 GWARNING
The brake fluid constantly absorbs moisture
iMBapprovalisindicatedontheoilcon-from the air. This lowers the boiling point of
tainers. thebrakefluid.Iftheboilingpointofthebrake
Filling capacities fluid is too low, vapor pocketsmayforminthe
brake system when the brakes are applied
The following values refer to an oil changehard. This would impair braking efficiency.
including the oil filter. There is a risk of an accident.
Model Capacity Youshould have the brake fluid renewed at
the specified intervals.
All models 6.9 qt (6.5 l)Whenhandling brake fluid, observe the
Additives important safety notes on service products
(Y page 409).
This could damage the engine.in the Maintenance Booklet.
data Only use brake fluid approved by Mercedes-
Engine oil viscosity BenzinaccordancewithMB-FreigabeorMB-
Approval 331.0.
Information about approved brake fluid can
be obtained at any qualified specialist work-
Technical shop or on the Internet at
a qualified specialist workshop in accord-
ance with the replacement intervals and
the replacement confirmed in the Service
Viscosity describes the flow characteristicsCoolant
of a fluid. If an engine oil has a high viscosity,
this means that it is thick; a low viscosityImportant safety notes
meansthatit is thin.
(viscosity) suitable for the prevailing outsideIf antifreezecomesintocontactwithhotcom-
temperatures. The table shows you whichponents in the engine compartment, it may
SAEclassifications are to be used. The low-ignite. There is a risk of fire and injury.
temperature characteristics of engine oils
can deteriorate significantly, e.g. as a result
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