owners manual Mazda CX-3
owners manual Mazda CX-3 - year of production: 2015 - Mazda CX 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-3, year of production 2015:
Interior Features
For the operation of the device, refer to Say a paired “device tag” within 10
its instruction manual. seconds.
If more than two devices are to be
2. Press the pick-up button or talk button paired, they cannot be paired with the
with a short press. same or similar “device tag”.
3. Say: [Beep] “Setup”
14. Prompt: “Adding XXXXXX - - - (Ex.
4. Prompt: “Select one of the following:
Pairing options, confi rmation prompts, “Stan's device”) (Device tag). Is this
language, password, select phone or correct?”
select music player.” 15. Say: [Beep] “Yes”
5. Say: [Beep] “Pairing options” 16. Prompt: “Pairing complete”
6. Prompt: “Select one of the following:
Pair, edit, delete, list, or set pin code.” After a device is registered, the system
7. Say: [Beep] “Pair” automatically identifi es the device. By
8. Prompt: “Start the pairing process on ®
® activating Bluetooth Hands-Free again,
your Bluetooth device. Your pin code ®
is 0000 (XXXX). Input this on your or by activating Bluetooth Hands-Free
® fi rst after switching the ignition from
Bluetooth device. See device manual OFF to ACC, the system reads out a voice
for instructions.” guidance, “XXXXXX - - - (Ex. “Stan's
9. Using the device, perform a search device”) (Device tag) is connected”.
for the Bluetooth device (Peripheral
device). NOTE
When the pairing is completed, the
For the operation of the device, refer to symbol is displayed.
its instruction manual. Some Bluetooth audio devices need
a certain amount of time before the
symbol is displayed.
10. Select “Mazda” from the device list
searched by the device. Device registration can also be done
by operating the audio unit.
1 1. Input the 4-digit pairing code to the
device. Depending on the device, the
12. Prompt: “Please say the name of the registration status may be lost after a
device after the beep.” certain period of time. If this occurs,
13. Say: [Beep] “XXXX - - -” (Speak a repeat the entire process from Step 1.
“device tag”, an arbitrary name for the
Example: “Stan's device.”
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year of production from: 2015
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Mazda CX 3 owners manual
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