owners manual Mazda CX-3
owners manual Mazda CX-3 - year of production: 2015 - Mazda CX 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-3, year of production 2015:
Interior Features
® 16. If “Yes”, the system switches to the
Bluetooth Preparation (Type A/
Type B) device registration mode. If “No”, the
system returns to standby status.
Bluetooth Hands-Free Preparation
pairing Device
code setting Pairing o use T Bluetooth ®
Hands-Free, the device
The 4-digit pairing code setting for equipped with Bluetooth has to be paired
registration of your cell phone (pairing) to the Bluetooth unit using the following
can be set beforehand. procedure.
A maximum of seven devices including
hands-free mobile phones and Bluetooth
The initial setting value is “0000”. audio devices can be paired to one vehicle.
1. Press the pick-up button or talk button
with a short press. A device can be paired only when
2. Say: [Beep] “Setup” the vehicle is parked. If the vehicle
3. Prompt: “Select one of the following: starts to move, the pairing procedure
Pairing options, confi rmation prompts, will end. Pairing is dangerous while
language, password, select phone or driving - pair up your device before
select music player.” you start driving. Park the car in a
4. Say: [Beep] “Pairing options” safe place before paired.
5. Prompt: “Select one of the following: If a Bluetooth device has already
Pair, Edit, Delete, List, or Set pin been paired to the vehicle as a
Code.” Bluetooth audio device, it does not
6. Say: [Beep] “Set pin code” need to be paired again when using
7. Prompt: “Your current pin code is the device as a hands-free mobile
XXXX. Do you want to change it to a phone. Conversely, it does not need
different pairing pin code?” to be paired again as a Bluetooth
8. Say: [Beep] “Yes” audio device if it has already been
9. Prompt: “Please say a 4-digit pairing paired as a hands-free mobile phone.
code.” Since the communication range of
10. Say: [Beep] “YYYY” a Bluetooth equipped device is
1. 1 Prompt: “YYYY is this correct?” about 10 meters (32 ft), if a device
12. Say: [Beep] “Yes” or “No” is placed within a 10-meter (32
13. If “Yes”, go to Step 14. If “No”, the ft) radius of the vehicle, it may be
procedure returns to Step 9. detected/paired unintentionally while
14. Prompt: “Your new pairing pin code is another device is being paired.
YYYY. Use this pin code when pairing
devices to the Hands free system. Do Activate 1. the Bluetooth application of
you want to pair a device now?” the device.
15. Say: [Beep] “Yes” or “No”
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