owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
CAUTION information,referto “Recommended
● NISSAN recommends using Genuine fluids/lubricants and capacities”in the “Technical
NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 ONLY in and consumer information” section of this
NISSAN CVTs. Do not mix with othermanual.
● Do not use Automatic transmission WARNING
fluid (ATF) or Manual transmissionfluid● Use only new fluid from a sealed con-
in a NISSAN CVT, as it may damage thetainer. Old, inferior or contaminated
CVT. Damage caused by the use of flu-fluid may damage the brake and clutch
ids other than as recommended is not(if so equipped) systems. The use of
covered under NISSAN’s New Vehicleimproper fluids can damage the brake
Limited Warranty. and clutch system and affect the vehi-
● Using fluids that are not equivalent tocle’s stopping ability. LDI2169
Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 may● Clean the filler cap before removing.BRAKEFLUID
also damage the CVT. Damage caused● Brakeandclutchfluidispoisonousand
bytheuseoffluidsotherthanasrecom- should be stored carefully in markedCheckthefluidlevelinthereservoir.If the level is
mendedisnotcoveredunderNISSAN’s belowtheMINline 1 ,orthebrakewarninglight
NewVehicleLimited Warranty. containers out of reach of children.
comes on, add Genuine NISSAN Brake Fluid or
equivalent DOT 3 fluid up to the MAX line 2 .If
When checking or replacement of CVT fluid is CAUTION
required, we recommend a NISSAN dealer for fluid mustbeaddedfrequently,thesystemshould
servicing. Do not spill the fluid on any painted sur-be checked. It is recommended you visit a
faces.Thiswilldamagethepaint.IffluidisNISSANdealerfor this service.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-13

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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