owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
ThisvehiclecontainsGenuineNISSANLongLife WARNING
Antifreeze/Coolant (blue). The life expectancy of
thefactory-fillcoolantis105,000 miles● To avoid the danger of being scalded,
(168,000km)or7years.Mixinganyothertypeofnever change the coolant when the en-
coolant or the use of non-distilled water will re-gine is hot.
ducethelifeexpectancyofthefactory-fillcoolant.● Never remove the radiator or engine
For additional information, refer to the NISSANcoolant reservoir cap when the engine
Service and Maintenance Guide. ishot.Seriousburnscouldbecausedby
If the cooling system frequently requireshigh pressure fluid escaping from the
coolant, have it checked. It is recom-radiator.
mendedyouvisit a NISSAN dealer for this● Avoid direct skin contact with used
service. coolant. If skin contact is made, wash
For additional information on the location of thethoroughlywithsoaporhandcleaneras
LDI2167engine coolant reservoir, refer to “Engine com-soonaspossible.
CHECKINGENGINECOOLANT partment check locations”in this section.● Keep coolant out of the reach of chil-
Check the coolant level in the reservoir whenANISSANdealercanchangetheenginecoolant.Engine coolant must be disposed of properly.
the engine is cold. If the coolant level is belowThe service procedure can be found in theCheckyour local regulations.
the MIN level B , add coolant to the MAX levelNISSANServiceManual.
A . If the reservoir is empty, check the coolant
Improper servicing can result in reduced
level in the radiator when the engine is cold. Ifheater performance and engine overheat-
there is insufficient coolant in the radiator, fill theing.
radiator with coolant up to the filler opening and
alsoaddittothereservoiruptotheMAXlevel A .
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-9

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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