owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-42 Starting and operating/Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) (U.S.–spec. models)
The tire pressure monitoring system pro-accordingly. Be sure to let the tiresSUBARUdealerassoonaspossible
vides the driver with a warning messagecool thoroughly before adjustingfor tire and sensor replacement and/
by sending a signal from a sensor that istheir pressures to the standardor system resetting.
installed in each wheel when tire pressurevalues shown on the tire placard.Do not inject any tire liquid or
is severely low. Refer to “Tires and wheels” F11-25.aerosol tire sealant into the tires,
The tire pressure monitoring system willThetirepressuremonitoringsystemas this may cause a malfunction of
activate only when the vehicle is driven atdoes not function when the vehiclethe tire pressure sensors. If the light
speeds above 25 mph (40 km/h). Also,is stationary. After adjusting the tireilluminates steadily after blinking for
this system may not react immediately to apressures, increase the vehicleapproximately one minute, promptly
sudden drop in tire pressure (for example,speed to at least 25 mph (40 km/h)contact a SUBARU dealer to have
a blow-out caused by running over ato start the TPMS re-checking of thethe system inspected.
sharp object). tire inflation pressures. If the tire
pressures are now above the severe
WARNING low pressure threshold, the low tireCAUTION
pressure warning light should turn
If the low tire pressure warning lightoff a few minutes later Do not place metal film or any
illuminates while driving, never metal parts in the cargo area.
Ifthis light still illuminates while
brake suddenly and keep drivingdriving after adjusting the tire pres-Thismaycausepoorreceptionof
straight ahead while gradually redu-sure, a tire may have significantthe signals from the tire pressure
cing speed. Then slowly pull off thedamage and a fast leak that causessensors, and the tire pressure
road to a safe place. Otherwise anthetire to lose air rapidly. If you havemonitoring system will not func-
accident involving serious vehiclea flat tire, replace it with a spare tiretion properly.
damageandserious personal injuryas soon as possible. . FCCWARNING
could occur. When a spare tire is mounted or aChanges or modifications not
Check the pressure for all four tireswheel rim is replaced without theexpressly approved by the party
andadjustthepressuretotheCOLDoriginal pressure sensor/transmitterresponsible for compliance
tire pressure shown on the tirebeing transferred, the low tire pres-could void the user’s authority
placard on the door pillar on thesure warning light will illuminateto operate the equipment.
driver’s side. steadily after blinking for approxi-
Even when the vehicle is driven amately one minute. This indicates
very short distance, the tires getthe TPMS is unable to monitor all
warm and their pressures increasefour road wheels. Contact your

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year of production from: 2012

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