owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
374 Battery (vehicle)
anddonotrequire any electrical consumers.If the housing of the high-voltage battery has
Thevehicle will then use very little energy, thusbeen damaged, electrolyte and gases may
conserving battery power.
PLUG-INHYBRIDvehicles:ifthebatteryleak out. These are poisonous and caustic.
chargeissufficient,thehigh-voltagebatterycanThere is a risk of injury.
also supply the 12 V battery. This only happensAvoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
if the condition of charge of the 12 V batteryImmediately rinse electrolyte splashes off
requires this, e.g. after using electrical consum-with water and seek medical attention
ers for an extended period with the enginestraight away.
switched off. As the on-board voltage is contin-
uously monitored this can also be performedExhaustive discharge caused by the vehicle
charge of the 12 V battery and the on-boardstanding idle for lengthy periods can damage
voltage are thereby kept stable for a longerthe high-voltage battery. If the vehicle is idle
period. forlengthyperiodsleavethehigh-voltagebat-
tery connected to a charging station.
Consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center if
High-voltage battery – importantyouwishtoleaveyourvehicleparkedforalong
assistancesafety notes period of time.
Only PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles are equipped
with a high-voltage battery.Charging the 12 V battery
ownGDANGER Mercedes-AMGvehicles:
eakdunderhighvoltage.Ifyoumodifycomponentscharging voltage of 14.4 V.
r in the vehicle's high-voltage electrical system
B or touch damaged components, you may beAll other vehicles:
electrocuted. The components in the vehi-GWARNING
cle's high-voltage electrical system may beDuring charging and jump-starting, explosive
is not visible. There is a risk of fatal injury.risk of an explosion.
Following an accident, do not touch any high-Particularly avoid fire, open flames, creating
voltage components and never modify thesparksandsmoking.Ensurethereissufficient
vehicle'shigh-voltageelectricalsystem.Haveventilation while charging and jump-starting.
the vehicle towed away after an accident andDonotleanoverabattery.
the vehicle's high-voltage electrical system
checked by a qualified specialist workshop.GWARNING
GWARNING Batteryacidiscaustic.Thereisariskofinjury.
In the eventofavehiclefire,theinternalpres-Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Do
sure of the high-voltage battery can exceed anotinhaleanybatterygases.Donotleanover
critical value. In this case flammable gasthe battery. Keep children away from batter-
escapes through a ventilation valve on theies. Washawaybatteryacidimmediatelywith
underbody. The gas can ignite. There is a riskplentyofcleanwaterandseekmedicalatten-
of injury. tion.
Leave the danger zone immediately. SecureGWARNING
the danger area at a suitable distance, whilstAdischarged battery can freeze at tempera-
observing legal requirements.tures below freezing point. When jump-start-
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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