owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Battery (vehicle)373
plenty of clean water and seek medical atten-Risk of explosion.
All vehicles: Fire, open flames and smoking are
H Environmentalnote prohibited when handling the bat-
Batteries contain dangerous tery. Avoid creating sparks.
substances. It is against theElectrolyte or battery acid is corro-
law to dispose of them with sive. Avoidcontactwithskin,eyesor
the household rubbish. They clothing.
mustbecollectedseparately Wearsuitable protective clothing,
and recycled to protect the especially gloves, apron and face-
environment. guard.
Dispose of batteries in an Immediatelyrinseelectrolyteoracid
environmentally friendly splashes off with clean water. Con-
manner. Take discharged tact a physician if necessary.nce
batteries to a qualified spe-Weareyeprotection. a
cialist workshop or a special
collection point for used bat- assist
teries. Keepchildren away.
qualified specialist workshop. Observe this Operator's Manual.
Observe the service intervals in the Mainte-
workshop for more information. Breakdown
!AlwayshaveworkonbatteriescarriedoutatFor safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom-
a qualified specialist workshop. Should it, inmendsthatyouonlyusebatteries which have
exceptional circumstances, be absolutelybeen tested and approved for your vehicle by
necessary to disconnect the 12-volt batteryMercedes-Benz. These batteries provide
yourself, observe the following:increased impact protection to prevent vehicle
Rsecurethevehicletopreventitfromrollingoccupants from suffering acid burns should the
away. battery be damagedintheeventofanaccident.
Rswitchoff the ignition. In order for the battery to achieve the maximum
Ralwaysdisconnect the negative terminalpossible service life, it must always be suffi-
clamp first, followed by the positive termi-ciently charged.
nal clamp. Like other batteries, the vehicle battery may
After the battery has been disconnected, thedischargeovertimeifyoudonotusethevehicle.
transmission is locked in position P.In this case, have the battery disconnected at a
After the work has been done, install the bat-qualified specialist workshop. You can also
tery and replace the cover of the positive ter-chargethebatterywithachargerrecommended
minal clamp firmly. by Mercedes-Benz. Contact a qualified special-
ist workshop for further information.
Complywithsafety precautions and take pro-Havethebattery condition of charge checked
tective measures when handling batteries.morefrequentlyifyouusethevehiclemainlyfor
short trips or if you leave it standing idle for a
lengthy period. Consult a qualified specialist
workshop if you wish to leave your vehicle
parked for a long period of time.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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