owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Starting and operating/Power steering7-31
NOTE Power steering wheel is operated. Drive carefully to
. Whiletheengineiscool, youcannot the nearest SUBARU dealer and
change to Sport Sharp (S#) mode. have the vehicle inspected immedi-
. The next time you turn on the ately.
engine, after you turned off the engine
in the Sport (S) mode or Sport Sharp NOTE
(S#) mode,theSI-DRIVEmodechanges
to the Intelligent (I) mode. If the steering wheel is operated in the
. While the engine is running, if the following ways, the power steering
CHECKENGINEwarninglight/malfunc- control system may temporarily limit
tion indicator light illuminates, the SI- the power assist in order to prevent the
DRIVE mode changes to the Sport (S) system components, such as the con-
mode. In this case, it is not possible to trol computer and drive motor, from
change to another mode. overheating.
. If there is a possibility that the . The steering wheel is operated fre-
engine could overheat because of aPower steering warning lightquently and turned sharply while the
temperature increase of the engine The vehicle is equipped with an electricvehicle is maneuvered at extremely low
coolant, it is not possible to change topower steering system. When the ignitionspeeds, such as while frequently turn-
the Sport Sharp (S#) mode. While theswitch is turned to the “ON” position, theing the steering wheel during parallel
vehicle is in the Sport Sharp (S#) mode,power steering warning light on the parking.
it changes to the Sport (S) mode whencombination meter illuminates to inform. The steering wheel remains in the
the engine coolant temperature in- fully turned position for a long period
creases. the driver that the warning system isof time.
. If any of the SI-DRIVE indicatorsfunctioning properly. Then, if the engine
blink, the SI-DRIVE system may bestarted, the warning light turns off to informAt this time, there will be more resis-
malfunctioning. Contact your SUBARUthe driver that the steering power assist istance when steering. However this is
dealer. operational. not a malfunction. Normal steering
force will be restored after the steering
CAUTION wheel is not operated for a while and
When the power steering warningthe power steering control system has
light is illuminated, there may bean opportunity to cool down. However,
more resistance when the steeringif the power steering is operated in a
non-standard way which causes power

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year of production from: 2012

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Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual
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