owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Safety features of your vehicle
Larger children Injured person
WARNING - Shoulder belts
Children who are too large for childA seat belt should be used when an
restraint systems should always occupy injured person is being transported.
on small children
the rear seat and use the aWhen this is necessarvailable y, you should con-
Never allow a shoulder belt to be
lap/shoulder belts.The lap portion should sult a physician for recommendations.
in contact with a child’s neck or
be fastened and snugged on the hips
face while the vehicle is in
and as low as possible. Check if belt fitsmotion. One person per belt
periodically. A child's squirming could put If seat belts are not properly wornTwo people (including children) should
the belt out of position.Children are
and adjusted on children,there isnever attempt to use a single seat belt.
given the most safety in the event of an
a risk of death or serious injury.
accident when they are restrained by a This could increase the severity of
proper restraint system in the rear seat. If injuries in case of an accident.
a larger child (over age 12) must be seat-Pregnant women
ed in the front seat, the child should be
The use of a seat belt is recommended
securely restrained by the available
for pregnant women to lessen the chance
lap/shoulder belt and the seat should be
of injury in an accident.When a seat belt
placed in the rearmost position. Children is used, the lap belt portion should be
age 12 and under should be restrained
placed as low and snugly as possible on
securely in the rear seat. NEVER place athe hips, not across the abdomen.For
child age 12 and under in the front seat.
specific recommendations, consult a
NEVER place a rear facing child seat in
the front seat of a vehicle.
If the shoulder belt portion slightly touch-
es the child’s neck or face, try placing theWARNING - Pregnant
child closer to the center of the vehicle. Ifwomen
the shoulder belt still touches their face
Pregnant women must never place
or neck they need to be returned to a
the lap portion of the safety belt
child restraint system. over the area of the abdomen
where the fetus is located or above
the abdomen where the belt could
crush the fetus during an impact.
3 24

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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