owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Safety features of your vehicle
Both the driver's and front passenBe- cause the sensor that activates the
ger's pre-tensioner seat belts will be SRS air bag is connected with the pre- Pre-tensioners are designed to
activated in certain frontal collisions.tensioner seat belt, the SRS air bag operate only one time. After acti-
The pre-tensioner seat belts can be warning light () on the instrumentvation, pre-tensioner seat belts
activated, where the frontal collision panel will illuminate for approximatelymust be replaced. All seat belts,
is severe enough, together with the air6 seconds after the ignition switch hasof any type, should always be
bags. replaced after they have been
been turned to the ON position, and
When the pre-tensioner seat belts arethen it should turn off.worn during a collision.
activated, a loud noise may be heard The pre-tensioner seat belt
and fine dust, which may appear to be assembly mechanisms become
smoke, may be visible in the passengerCAUTION hot during activation. Do not
compartment. These are normal oper- touch the pre-tensioner seat belt
If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not
ating conditions and are not haz- assemblies for several minutes
working properly, this warning light
ardous. after they have been activated.
will illuminate even if there is no
Although it is harmless, the fine dustmalfunction of the SRS air bag. If
Do not attempt to inspect or
may cause skin irritation and shouldthe SRS air bag warning light doesreplace the pre-tensioner seat
not be breathed for prolonged peri- not illuminate when the ignition
belts yourself.This must be done
ods. Wash all exposed skin areas thor-switch is turned to ON,or if it
by an authorized KIA dealer.
oughly after an accident in which theremains illuminated after illuminat-
Do not strike the pre-tensioner
pre-tensioner seat belts were activat-ing for approximately 6 seconds, orseat belt assemblies.
ed. if it illuminates while the vehicle is
Improper handling of the pre-ten-
being driven, please have an
sioner seat belt assemblies, and
authorized KIA dealer inspect the
failure to heed the warnings not
pre-tensioner seat belt or SRS air
to strike, modify, inspect, replace,
bag system as soon as possible.service or repair the pre-tension-
er seat belt assemblies may lead
to improper operation or inadver-
tent activation and serious injury.
3 22

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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