text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Fiesta, year of production 2008:
8. Miscellaneous 8.5
8.1 If any provision herein is held
This Agreement constitutes the entire unenforceable, then such provision will be
agreement between TeleNav and you with modified to reflect the intention of the
respect to the subject matter hereof. parties, and the remaining provisions of
this Agreement will remain in full force and
8.2 effect
Except for the limited licenses expressly 8.6
granted in this Agreement, TeleNav retains The headings in this Agreement are for
all right, title and interest in and to the convenience of reference only, will not be
TeleNav Software, including without deemed to be a part of this Agreement,
limitation all related intellectual property and will not be referred to in connection
rights. No licenses or other rights which are with the construction or interpretation of
not expressly granted in this Agreement this Agreement. As used in this Agreement,
are intended to, or shall be, granted or the words "include" and "including" and
conferred by implication, statute, variations thereof, will not be deemed to
inducement, estoppel or otherwise, and be terms of limitation, but rather will be
TeleNav and its suppliers and licensors deemed to be followed by the words
hereby reserve all of their respective rights "without limitation".
other than the licenses explicitly granted
in this Agreement 9. Other Vendors Terms and Conditions
8.3 The TeleNav Software utilizes map and
By using the TeleNav Software, you other data licensed to TeleNav by third
consent to receive from TeleNav all party vendors for the benefit of you and
communications, including notices, other end users. This Agreement includes
agreements, legally required disclosures end-user terms applicable to these
or other information in connection with the companies (included at the end of this
TeleNav Software (collectively, "Notices") Agreement), and thus your use of the
electronically. TeleNav may provide such TeleNav Software is also subject to such
Notices by posting them on TeleNav's terms. You agree to comply with the
Website or by downloading such Notices following additional terms and conditions,
to your wireless device. If you desire to which are applicable to TeleNav's third
withdraw your consent to receive Notices party vendor licensors:
electronically, you must discontinue your NavTeq End User License Agreement
use of the TeleNav Software. END USER TERMS
8.4 The content provided ("Data") is licensed,
TeleNav's or your failure to require not sold. By opening this package, or
performance of any provision shall not installing, copying, or otherwise using the
affect that party's right to require Data, you agree to be bound by the terms
performance at any time thereafter, nor of this agreement. If you do not agree to
shall a waiver of any breach or default of the terms of this agreement, you are not
this Agreement constitute a waiver of any permitted to install, copy, use, resell or
subsequent breach or default or a waiver transfer the Data. If you wish to reject the
of the provision itself. terms of this agreement, and have not
Fiesta (CCT)
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