text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Fiesta, year of production 2008:
any termination or expiration of this 4. Disclaimers
Agreement. You agree that you will use the To the fullest extent permissible pursuant
TeleNav Software only for your personal to applicable law, in no event will TeleNav,
business or leisure purposes, and not to its licensors and suppliers, or agents or
provide commercial navigation services to employees of any of the foregoing, be
other parties. liable for any decision made or action
3.1 License Limitations taken by you or anyone else in reliance on
You agree not to do any of the following: the information provided by the TeleNav
(a) reverse engineer, decompile, Software. TeleNav also does not warrant
disassemble, translate, modify, alter or the accuracy of the map or other data used
otherwise change the TeleNav Software for the TeleNav Software. Such data may
or any part thereof; (b) attempt to derive not always reflect reality due to, among
the source code, audio library or structure other things, road closures, construction,
of the TeleNav Software without the prior weather, new roads and other changing
express written consent of TeleNav; (c) conditions. You are responsible for the
remove from the TeleNav Software, or entire risk arising out of your use of the
alter, any of TeleNav's or its suppliers' TeleNav Software. For example but
trademarks, trade names, logos, patent or without limitation, you agree not to rely on
copyright notices, or other notices or the TeleNav Software for critical
markings; (d) distribute, sublicense or navigation in areas where the well-being
otherwise transfer the TeleNav Software or survival of you or others is dependent
to others, except as part of your permanent on the accuracy of navigation, as the maps
transfer of the TeleNav Software; or (e) or functionality of the TeleNav Software
use the TeleNav Software in any manner are not intended to support such high risk
that (i) infringes the intellectual property applications, especially in more remote
or proprietary rights, rights of publicity or geographical areas.
privacy or other rights of any party, (ii) TELENAV EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND
violates any law, statute, ordinance or EXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES IN
regulation, including but not limited to laws CONNECTION WITH THE TELENAV
and regulations related to spamming, SOFTWARE, WHETHER STATUTORY,
privacy, consumer and child protection, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ALL
obscenity or defamation, or (iii) is harmful, WARRANTIES WHICH MAY ARISE FROM
threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR
defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or TRADE AND INCLUDING, BUT NOT
otherwise objectionable; and (f) lease, rent LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES
out, or otherwise permit unauthorized OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A
access by third parties to the TeleNav PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND
Software without advanced written NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY
SOFTWARE. Certain jurisdictions do not
permit the disclaimer of certain warranties,
so this limitation may not apply to you.
Fiesta (CCT)
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