owners manual Tesla X
owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
Driver Proiles
Creating a Driver Proile • Maximum acceleration and power are
You only need to adjust Model X once. When•Front trunk and glove box are locked.
you irst adjust the drivers seat, steering•The navigation system does not display
wheel, or drivers side mirror, the touchscreenPlaces (this protects Home/Work
prompts you to create a driver proile to savelocations).
these adjustments. Your proile also saves•Voice commands are disabled.
some of the preferences you make using the
touchscreens Settings window. • Cruise control is disabled.
A driver can add a new driver proile by•Most status bar functions are disabled.
touching Controls > Settings > Driver Proiles•The Mobile Access setting is disabled.
(or by touching the driver icon on the
touchscreen's status bar, and touching CreateStarting Valet Mode
Driver Proile). Enter the driver name andWith Model X in Park, touch the driver proile
touch Create Proile. icon, located to the left of the Tesla "T" on the
If you change the position of the steeringtouchscreen's status bar, then touch Valet
wheel, drivers seat, or drivers side mirrorMode.
after you have saved a proile, the touchscreenThe irst time you start Valet Mode, you will be
prompts you to save the new position orprompted to establish a 4-digit PIN that you
restore the previously saved position (otherwill use to cancel Valet Mode.
preferences are automatically saved). To use a
setting without saving or restoring, just ignoreWhen Valet mode is active, the instrument
the prompt. panel displays the word Valet above the
Note: Depending on date of manufacture,driving speed and the Valet Mode driver
adjustments made to the driver's side mirrorproile displays on the touchscreen's status
may not be saved to your driver proile.bar.
Note: Valet Mode is a built-in driver proileYou can also use the Model X mobile app to
used to limit speed and restrict access tostart and cancel Valet Mode (provided
some Model X features (see Valet Mode onModel X is in Park). When using the mobile
page 36). app, you do not need to enter a PIN because
you are already required to log into the app
using your MY TESLA credentials.
Restoring a Drivers Proile Note: If you forget your PIN, reset it from
To adjust Model X based on ainside Model X by entering your My Tesla
drivers proile, touch the drivercredentials (which also cancels Valet Mode).
proile icon, located to the left sideYou can also reset your PIN using the Model X
of the Tesla “T” on the touchscreensmobile app.
status bar. Then choose the driverWarning: Do not use Valet mode when
and the saved adjustments are towing a trailer. Torque limitations can
automatically made. make it diicult for Model X to pull a
trailer up a hill.
Saved Driver Settings Cancelling Valet Mode
To see what settings are associated with yourWith Model X in Park, touch the Valet Mode
driver proile, touch Controls > Settings >driver icon on the touchscreen's status bar,
Driver Proiles. Then touch See whats saved.then enter the 4-digit PIN.
A popup window lists the settings that areWhen you cancel Valet Mode, all settings
associated with a driver proile. These settingsassociated with the most recently used Driver
vary depending on the version of softwareProile and climate control settings are
currently running in Model X. restored, and all features are available.
Valet Mode Note: You do not need to enter a PIN to cancel
Valet Mode from the mobile app.
When Model X is in Valet Mode, the following
restrictions apply:
• Speed is limited to 113 km/h.
36 Model X Owner's Manual
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