owners manual Tesla X
owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
How the Airbags Work Types of Airbags
Inlation of airbags depends on the rate atModel X has the following types of airbags:
which the vehicles cabin changes speed in a•Advanced front airbags: The front airbags
collision. The rate of deceleration determinesare advanced airbags designed to reduce
whether airbags inlate. airbag related injuries to children or small
Airbags inlate instantly with considerableadults who ride in the front seats. On the
force accompanied by a loud noise. Thedrivers side, the front airbag works with a
inlated bag, together with the seat belts,seat position sensor that adjusts the
limits movement of occupants to reduce theinlation level based on the seating
risk of injury. position of the occupant. For safety of
Front airbags are not ordinarily designed toinfants and small children, the front
inlate in rear collisions, rollovers, minor frontpassenger airbag must be disabled, as
or side collisions, heavy braking, or drivingdescribed below.
over bumps and potholes. Therefore,•Seat-mounted side airbags: There is a
signiicant supericial damage can occur toseat-mounted side airbag in each of the
the vehicle without the airbags inlating or,front driver, front passenger and second
conversely, a relatively small amount ofrow outboard seats. Seat-mounted side
structural damage can cause airbags to inlate.airbags protect the thorax region of the
torso and the pelvis. They inlate in the
If you are planning to modify your vehicle for aevent of severe side impact or severe
person with disabilities in a way that mayofset frontal impact. The seat-mounted
afect the airbag system, contact Tesla.side airbags on both the impacted and
non-impacted side of the vehicle will
inlate. When the backrest of an outboard
seat is fully folded in the forward position,
its associated side airbag does not inlate.
• Curtain airbags: There is a curtain airbag
on each side of Model X in the front roof-
rail. Curtain airbags help protect the head
and typically inlate in the event of a
severe side impact, a severe ofset frontal
impact, or if the vehicle rolls over. Curtain
airbags on both the impacted and non-
impacted side of the vehicle will inlate.
• Door-mounted airbags: There is an airbag
on each side of Model X mounted in the
trim on the falcon wing doors. These are
the same as the curtain airbags in that
they help protect the head and typically
inlate in the event of a severe side impact,
a severe ofset frontal impact, or if the
vehicle rolls over. The door-mounted
airbags on both the impacted and non-
impacted side of the vehicle will inlate.
Seating and Safety Restraints 33
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