owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
pdf (5.13 MB) 436 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Temperature CAUTION
High temperatures accelerate the rate of corro-● NEVER remove dirt, sand or other de-
sion to those parts which are not well ventilated.bris from the passenger compartment
Air pollution by washing it out with a hose. Remove
dirt with a vacuum cleaner or broom.
Industrial pollution, the presence of salt in the air● Never allow water or other liquids to
in coastal areas, or heavy road salt use acceler-comeincontactwithelectroniccompo-
atesthecorrosionprocess.Roadsaltalsoaccel-nents inside the vehicle as this may
erates the disintegration of paint surfaces.damagethem.
PROTECTYOURVEHICLEFROM Chemicals used for road surface de-icing are
CORROSION extremely corrosive. They accelerate corrosion
● Washandwaxyourvehicleoftentokeeptheand deterioration of underbody components
vehicle clean. suchastheexhaustsystem,fuelandbrakelines,
● Alwayscheckforminordamagetothepaintbrake cables, floor pan and fenders.
and repair it as soon as possible.In winter, the underbody must be cleaned
● Keepdrainholes at the bottom of the doorsperiodically.
open to avoid water accumulation.For additional protection against rust and corro-
● Check the underbody for accumulation ofsion, which may be required in some areas, con-
sand, dirt or salt. If present, wash with watersult a NISSAN dealer.
as soon as possible.
7-6 Appearanceandcare

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year of production from: 2013

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