owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Removetarandoilspots,industrialdust,insects,Whencleaningtheinsideofthewindows,Clean all chrome parts regularly with a non-
and tree sap as quickly as possible from thedo not use sharp-edged tools, abrasiveabrasive chrome polish to maintain the finish.
surface of the paint to avoid lasting damage orcleaners or chlorine-based disinfectantTIRE DRESSINGS
staining. Special cleaning products are availablecleaners.Theycoulddamagetheelectrical
at a NISSANdealeroranyautomotiveaccessoryconductors, radio antenna elements orNISSAN does not recommend the use of tire
store. rear window defroster elements.dressings. Tire manufacturers apply a coating to
UNDERBODY ALUMINUMALLOYWHEELS(ifso the tires to help reduce discoloration of the rub-
ber. If a tire dressing is applied to the tires, it may
In areas where road salt is used in winter, it isequipped)reactwiththecoatingandformacompound.This
necessary to clean the underbody regularly inWashthewheelsregularly with a sponge damp-compoundmaycomeoffthetirewhiledrivingand
ordertopreventdirtandsaltfrombuildingupandened in a mild soap solution, especially duringstain the vehicle paint.
causing the acceleration of corrosion on the un-winter months in areas where road salt is used. IfIf you choose to use a tire dressing, take the
derbody and suspension. Before the winter pe-not removed, road salt can discolor the wheels.following precautions:
riod and again in the spring, the underseal must ● Use a water-based tire dressing. The coat-
be checked and, if necessary, re-treated.CAUTION ing on the tire dissolves more easily than
GLASS Follow the directions below to avoidwith an oil-based tire dressing.
Useglasscleanertoremovesmokeanddustfilmstaining or discoloring the wheels:● Apply a light coat of tire dressing to help
from the glass surfaces. It is normal for glass to● Donotuseacleanerthatusesstrongacidpreventitfromenteringthetire
become coated with a film after the vehicle isor alkali contents to clean the wheels.tread/grooves (where it would be difficult to
parked in the hot sun. Glass cleaner and a soft remove).
● Do not apply wheel cleaners to the● Wipe off excess tire dressing using a dry
cloth will easily remove this film.wheels when they are hot. The wheel
temperatureshouldbethesameasam-towel. Make sure the tire dressing is com-
bient temperature. pletely removed from the tire tread/grooves.
● Rinse the wheel to completely remove● Allow the tire dressing to dry as recom-
the cleaner within 15 minutes after themendedbythetire dressing manufacturer.
cleaner is applied.
Appearance and care 7-3

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year of production from: 2013

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