owners manual Nissan 370Z
owners manual Nissan 370Z - year of production: 2009 - Nissan 370Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 370Z, year of production 2009:
Black plate (348,1)
MOSTCOMMONFACTORSCONTRI- Temperature Remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner.
GUID-67C57974-E9DE-4FEB-AF3F-D9F1EDEAA3CDA temperature increase will accelerate the rate. Neverallowwaterorotherliquidsto
. The accumulation of moisture-retaining dirt of corrosion to those parts which are not well come in contact with electronic
and debris in body panel sections, cavities, ventilated. components inside the vehicle as
and other areas. Air pollution this may damage them.
. Damage to paint and other protective coat- GUID-AE672010-5203-4B08-8AA6-02DC301DD452
ings caused by gravel and stone chips or Industrial pollution, the presence of salt in the airChemicals used for road surface deicing are
minor traffic accidents. in coastal areas, or heavy road salt use will extremely corrosive. They accelerate corrosion
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLU- accelerate the corrosion process. Road salt will and deterioration of underbody components
ENCE THE RATE OF CORROSION also accelerate the disintegration of paint
GUID-FC2435B8-508C-4BF8-8483-9D8BC37032C5surfaces. such as the exhaust system, fuel and brake
Moisture lines, brake cables, floor pan and fenders.
GUID-C449A4DA-87A1-45EC-B0DD-BE070AA201ECTO PROTECT YOUR VEHICLE FROM In winter, the underbody must be cleaned
Accumulation of sand, dirt and water on the CORROSION
vehicle body underside can accelerate corro- GUID-82466474-2854-4204-AD97-9816A1F122FCperiodically.
sion. Wet floor coverings will not dry completely . Washandwaxyourvehicleoftentokeepthe For additional protection against rust and
inside the vehicle, and should be removed for vehicle clean. corrosion, which may be required in some areas,
drying to avoid floor panel corrosion. . Always check for minor damage to the paint consult a NISSAN dealer.
and repair it as soon as possible.
Relative humidity . Keep drain holes at the bottom of the doors
GUID-6EE073CB-8348-4E26-B659-B0D23F72E520open to avoid water accumulation.
Corrosion will be accelerated in areas of high
relative humidity, especially those areas where . Check the underbody for accumulation of
the temperatures stay above freezing where sand, dirt or salt. If present, wash with water
atmospheric pollution exists, or where road salt as soon as possible.
is used.
. NEVER remove dirt, sand or other
debris from the passenger compart-
ment by washing it out with a hose.
7-8 Appearance and care
[ Edit: 2012/ 4/ 11Model: Z34-D ]
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year of production from: 2009
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Nissan 370Z owners manual
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