owners manual Subaru Tribeca
owners manual Subaru Tribeca - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Subaru Tribeca owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Tribeca, year of production 2005 - 2014:
11-12 Maintenance and service
. Donotsplash the engine coolant3. Loosen the radiator cap to drain the
over painted parts. The alcoholcoolant from the radiator. Then drain the
contained in the engine coolantcoolant from the reserve tank. Tighten the
maydamagethe paint surface.drain plug securely.
! Changing the coolant Never attempt to remove the radia-
Always add genuine SUBARU coolingtor cap until the engine has been
system conditioner whenever the coolantshut off and has cooled down
is replaced. completely. Since the coolant is
Change the engine coolant and add under pressure, you may suffer
genuine SUBARU cooling system condi-serious burns from a spray of boil-
tioner using the following proceduresing hot coolant when the cap is
3. After refilling the reserve tank and theaccording to the maintenance scheduleremoved.
radiator, reinstall the caps and check thatin the “Warranty and Maintenance Book-
the rubber gaskets inside the radiator caplet”. 4. Install the under cover.
are in the proper position. 1. Remove the under cover.
. Be careful not to spill engine
coolant when adding it. If coolant
touches the exhaust pipe, it may
a fire. If engine coolant gets on
the exhaust pipe, be sure to wipe
it off.
1) Fill up to here
2. Place a proper container under the5. Slowly pour the coolant and fill up to
drain plug and loosen the drain plug.

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year of production from: 2005

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Subaru Tribeca owners manual
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