owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
● Follow all of the child restraint manu-● For a front-facing child restraint, if theINSTALLATIONONREARSEAT
facturer’s instructions for installationseat position where it is installed has aCENTEROROUTBOARD
and use. When purchasing a child re-three-pointtypelap/shoulderbelt,POSITIONS
straint, be sure to select one which willcheck to make sure the shoulder belt
fit your child and vehicle. It may not bedoesnotgoinfrontofthechild’sfaceorWARNING
possible to properly install some typesneck. If it does, put the shoulder belt● Thethree-pointseatbeltinyourvehicle
of child restraints in your vehicle.behind the child restraint. If you mustis equipped with an automatic locking
● If the child restraint is not anchoredinstall a front facing child restraint inmode retractor which must be used
properly, the risk of a child being in-thefrontseat,see“Installationonfrontwheninstalling a child restraint.
jured in a collision or a sudden stoppassenger seat”later in this section.
greatly increases. ● When your child restraint is not in use,● Failure to use the retractor’s locking
● Adjustable seatbacks should be posi-keep it secured with a seat belt to pre-mode will result in the child restraint
tioned to fit the child restraint, but asvent it from being thrown around innot being properly secured. The re-
upright as possible. case of a sudden stop or accident.straint could tip over or otherwise be
● Afterattachingthechildrestraint,testitCAUTION in a sudden stop or collision.
before you place the child in it. Tilt itRemember that a child restraint left in a
from side to side. Try to tug it forwardclosed vehicle can become very hot.
and check to see if the belt holds theCheck the seating surface and buckles
restraint in place. The child restraintbefore placing your child in the child
restraint is not secure, tighten the belt
as necessary, or put the restraint in an-
other seat and test it again.
Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems 1-27
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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