owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
illuminates for about 7 seconds and then turnsequipped) are designed to inflate on a one-time-
off. This means the system is operational.only basis. As a reminder, unless it is damaged,
Ifany of the following conditions occur, thethe supplemental air bag warning light remains
supplemental front air bag, supplemental side airilluminated after inflation has occurred. Repair
bag and pre-tensioner seat belt systems needand replacement of these supplemental air bag
servicing: systems should be done only by a NISSAN
● The supplemental air bag warning light re-When maintenance work is required on the ve-
mains on after approximately 7 seconds.hicle, the supplemental front air bags, supple-
● Thesupplementalairbagwarninglightflashesmental side air bags (if so equipped), pre-
intermittently. tensioner seat belts and related parts should be
● The supplemental air bag warning light doespointed out to the person performing the mainte-
not come on at all. nance. The ignition key should always be in the
LRS0100 LOCKposition when working under the hood or
SUPPLEMENTALAIRBAG Under these conditions, the supplemental frontinside the vehicle.
WARNINGLIGHT airbag, supplemental side air bag or pre-
tensioner seat belt systems may not operateWARNING
The supplemental air bag warning light,properly. It must be checked and repaired. Take● Once a supplemental front air bag or
displayingin the instrument panel, moni-your vehicle to the nearest NISSAN dealer.supplemental side air bag has inflated,
tors the circuits of the supplemental front air the air bag module will not function
bags, pre-tensioner seat belt and supplementalWARNING again and must be replaced. Addition-
sideairbag(ifsoequipped)systems.ThecircuitsIf the supplemental air bag warning lightally, if any of the supplemental front air
monitored by the supplemental air bag warningis on, it could mean that the supplementalbagsinflate,theactivatedpre-
light are the diagnosis sensor unit, crash zonefront air bag or supplemental side air bagtensioner seat belts must also be re-
sensor, supplemental air bag modules, pre-system will not operate in an accident.placed. The air bag module and pre-
tensioner seat belts and all related wiring.Repair and replacement proceduretensioner seat belt system should be
When the ignition key is in the ON or START replaced by a NISSAN dealer. The air
The supplemental front air bags, pre-tensionerbagmoduleandpre-tensionerseatbelt
position, the supplemental air bag warning lightseat belts and supplemental side air bags (if sosystem cannot be repaired.
Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems 1-17
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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