owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
WARNING belt as necessary, or put the re-CENTEROROUTBOARDPOSI-
● Improper use of a child restraint canstraint in another seat and test it
result in increased injuries for bothagain. TIONS
the infant or child and other occu-● For a front-facing child restraint, ifWARNING
pants in the vehicle. the seat position where it is installed
● Followallofthechildrestraintmanu-has a three-point type lap/shoulder● The three-point belt in your vehicle
facturer’s instructions for installa-belt, check to make sure the shoulderis equipped with a locking mode re-
tion and use. When purchasing abelt does not go in front of the child’stractor which must be used when
child restraint, be sure to select oneface or neck. If it does, put the shoul-installing a child restraint.
which will fit your child and vehicle.der belt behind the child restraint. If
It may not be possible to properlyyou must install a front-facing child● Failure to use the retractor’s locking
install some types of child restraintsrestraint in the front seat, see ‘‘Instal-modewillresultinthechildrestraint
in your vehicle. lation on front passenger seat’’ laternot being properly secured. The re-
● If the child restraint is not anchoredin this section for details.straint could tip over or otherwise be
properly, the risk of a child being● When your child restraint is not inunsecured and cause injury to the
injured in a collision or a suddenuse, keep it secured with a seat beltchild in a sudden stop or collision.
stop greatly increases. to prevent it from being thrown
● Adjustable seatbacks should be po-around in case of a sudden stop or
sitioned to fit the child restraint, butaccident.
as upright as possible.
● After attaching the child restraint,CAUTION
test it before you place the child in it.Rememberthatachildrestraintleftina
Tilt it from side to side. Try to tug itclosed vehicle can become very hot.
forward and check to see if the beltCheck the seating surface and buckles
holds the restraint in place. If thebefore placing your child in the child
restraint is not secure, tighten therestraint.
1-26 Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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