owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
to resist the forces of a severeTether for Children) system. Some child
accident.Thechildcouldbecrushedrestraints include two rigid or webbing-
between the adult and parts of themounted attachments that can be con-
vehicle. Also, do not put the samenected to these lower anchors. For details,
seat belt around both your child andseethe“LATCH(LowerAnchorsandTether
yourself. for Children) system” later in this section.
● Never install a rear-facing child re-Child restraints for infants and children of
straint in the front seat. An inflatingvarious sizes are offered by several manu-
supplemental front air bag could se-facturers. When selecting any child re-
riously injure or kill your child. Astraint, keep the following points in mind:
rear-facing child restraint must only1) Choose only a restraint with a label cer-
be used in the rear seat. tifying that it complies with Federal Motor
ARS1098 ● NISSAN recommends that the childVehicle Safety Standard 213 or Cana-
restraint be installed in the rear seat.dian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.
PRECAUTIONS ON CHILD According to accident statistics,2) Check the child restraint in your vehicle
RESTRAINTS children are safer when properly re-to be sure it is compatible with the vehi-
WARNING strained in the rear seat than in thecle’s seat and seat belt system.
● Infants and small children shouldfront seat. 3) If the child restraint is compatible with
always be placed in an appropriate● An improperly installed child re-your vehicle, place your child in the child
child restraint while riding in the ve-straint could lead to serious injury orrestraint and check the various adjust-
hicle. Failure to use a child restraintdeath in an accident.ments to be sure the child restraint is
can result in serious injury or death. compatible with your child. Always follow
all recommended procedures.
● Infants and small children shouldIn general, child restraints are designed toAll U.S. states and Canadian provinces
neverbecarriedonyourlap.Itisnotbe installed with a lap belt or the lap portionor territories require that infants and
possibleforeventhestrongestadultof a three-point type seat belt. In addition,small children be restrained in approved
this vehicle is equipped with a universalchild restraints at all times while the
child restraint lower anchor system, referredvehicle is being operated.
to as the LATCH (Lower Anchors and
Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems1-25

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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